True Love

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No one's POV
Bella led Leila to the Witch's Heart because Bella is being controlled by jealously magic meaning that she's under Leila's control. They found the Witch's Heart in a crystal cage.

"There it is, the Witch's Heart. Bella break the glass" Leila said.

Bella used her dagger to break the crystal cage, and Leila took the heart and gained more power.

Meanwhile, Tuck followed the guard to the hideout, he walks around, only to realize that it's Auradon Castle but way before it became the Auradon Castle.

Leila and Bella appeared in the meeting room...

"So why are we here?" Bella asked.

"No reason but let me ask you, do you still love Tuck?" Leila asked with a smirk.

"Why would I be with a jerk like Tuck so... No, I don't love Tuck." Bella said and everything starts shaking, Bella was released from Leila's spell and Leila had the queen of Auradon crown on.

"What's going on? What's happening?" Bella asked.

"Well, I need you to say that you didn't love Tuck so that my life finally be true. So now, I'm the queen of Auradon." Leila said evilly laughing.

Auradon and Austin are together but ruled by witches and the sky turned black and grey with lightning. Bella was holding back her tears, thinking that she killed Tuck. In the present, Auradon and Nashville started crumbling down. All the buildings, houses, castles, and more fell, killing everyone. The Beast Family and the Haywoods were in Auradon Castle when it crumbles upon them, killing them.

"No, no, no, you tricked me! You'll never get your happily ever after unless you deserve it!" Bella yelled.

"Well, I do. I lost the love of my life to someone else. I wanted to be a queen and now I am." Leila said.

"You're a queen by magic and greed. You're nothing but a witch."Bella said.

She takes out the Booking Glass, "Capture Leila." Bella said, and lightning appears grabbing Leila but Leila manages to break free and shattered the mirror.

"Oops. Looks like I'm not going to the Shadow Realm." Leila said smirking.

"I'll destroy you anyway," Bella said.

"Too bad, I am the queen of witches. How? Because you said you didn't love Tuck." Leila said. Bella started to cry thinking that she killed Tuck before an arrow appears and almost shoots Leila in the head but she stops it and turns it to ashes. Then she pulls Tuck to her face.

"Nice try cowboy," Leila said before tossing Tuck into a bookshelf.

"Tuck!!" Bella yelled running to him.

"I'm OK, don't worry." Tuck tells Bella as she hugs him.

"I thought you were dead." Bella whispers.

"You should be worried about yourself. I have my destiny and you two are done for." Leila said.

"You can't be queen just by using magic Leila. A true queen is born to lead." Bella said standing up with Tuck.

"Well, I am a queen." Leila said.

"You'll never be queen Leila, you're nothing but a spoiled brat, a witch who will do whatever it takes to get. You'll never have thrown, not as long as we're alive." Tuck said.

"Oh really? If you insist. Goodbye Haywood." Leila said. Leila takes out Bella's dagger and lets it float in the air before throwing it at Tuck.

"Tuck, No!" Bella yells, pushing Tuck out of the way and getting hit by the dagger straight in the heart. She gasped from the dagger stabbing in her chest.

Tuck was horrified from what just happened.

"Bella!" Tuck yells as Bella collapses into his arms and onto the floor. Leila smirks as Bella screams pulling out the dagger from her chest.

"Well, that will do. It's nice seeing some in pain. Your next cowboy." Leila said trying to cast a spell but disappearing.

"What?" Leila tries again but her powers were gone.

"Love... always defeats evil." Bella said weakly.

Leila looks out the window, and dark sky disappeared. Back in the present, the buildings in Auradon and Nashville were rebuilding, and everyone, including the Haywoods and Beast Family were alive and confused as they helped each other up, the spirit barrier was gone and a bridge appears in its place. Black dust swells around Leila...

"No. No. NOOOOO!!!" Leila said before turning into dust and ash. Leila was defeated.

However, Bella was dying as she lies in Tuck's arms.

"Hey, Bella. It's OK, everything is going to be OK princess." Tuck said trying to hold back his tears.

"Tuck, I'm sorry," Bella said.

"It's not your fault. Jealously took over me once until you came into my life. It's going to be fine." Tuck said.

"I love you... my country boy." Bella said.

"I love you too... my fairy-tale girl." Tuck said.

Bella's eyes started to close and dies in Tuck's arms. Tuck starts shaking her a bit trying to wake her up but she didn't move.

"Oh My God, no, Bella. Come on princess. Come on baby, don't go. Bella, no, no." Tuck crys but Bella was gone. Tuck's tears fell onto Bella where the dagger shot her, "I love you, Bella. Please don't go." Tuck begged. He placed a kiss on Bella's lips and cried. But then realized that her heart was still beating. He looks at her chest and sees that the blood and cut was disappearing. Bella gasped for air and coughed. Tuck was so relieved to see Bella alive.



They were happy to see each other. Tuck kisses Bella before pulling her into a hug.

"Let's go home." Bella said and Tuck agrees.

They headed back to Elizabeth's house...

"I can't believe Leila is gone but it's for the best." Elizabeth said sadly.

"Thank you for helping us." Bella said.

"Theses belong to you." Tuck said handing back his weapons. Elizabeth took the weapon except for the Stones of Memories.

"I want you to have the Stones of Memories. Consider this as an award and thank you. Now, it's time to go." Elizabeth said.

"Thank you." Tuck said.

Elizabeth helped Tuck and Bella use the Stones of Memories to travel back to their time.

In the Present...

The Beast Family and the Haywoods saw the bridge and noticed that their worlds is connected once again. Then a portal opens and Bella and Tuck appear.

"Bella/Tuck!!" The family exclaims and runs to hug them.

"Oh, thank goodness you two are OK. Never time travel again." Ben said hugging Bella.

"Yes, we are almost dead and you guys saved us." Beau said hugging Tuck.

"What happened to Leila?" Bailey asked.

"Oh, we won't be hearing from Leila for a long time. Trust me." Bella said as Tuck made a "Dead" sign.

"So she's gone and Auradon and Austin are together again." Brody said.

"I think it's time, for a new chapter." Mal said.

I can't believe it. This story is almost complete. There is just one more chapter, and surprise that Tuck has for Bella. This is my favorite chapter, speaking of chapters, in New and Familiar Place (Chapter 10) the wedding dream was actually a sneak peek for the new and final book for this series so watch out.

I'll see you in the next chapter, Bye.

Love between two worlds (Sequel to The Princess and The Cowboy) Where stories live. Discover now