Fangs Into Flesh and Hands Into Hands-4/2015

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Underwater (Hand In Hand) (4/30/2015)

Hold your breath

And hold my hand.

Because underwater,

We go.

Hold me in your arms,

With the hands

That you

Were given for this.

Drown with me

In the waters

Of our lonely tears

That no longer fall.

Because now

That we are us,

There is no

Just your or me.

No longer alone,

We swim

Hand in hand

In our past sadnesses.

"People-Watching" (4/30/2015)

I like to "people-watch".

For example,

The ones you see

Walking on the sidewalk.

Ever wonder

What their story is?

Why are they out biking

In the middle of the night?

What's with that look on their face?

What song is that they're lip-syncing?

Well, to tame my wild mind,

I like to pretend I know everything about them.

Like the petite woman,

Speed-walking in a bright pink tracksuit.

After two kids, she can't fit

Into her favourite blue jeans anymore.

Her office job allows little time to visit the gym,

And her husband complains

That she spends too much money on clothes


Or the man carrying

A plastic bag

Marked 'Kwik Trip'.

His hair is greasy,

His peachfuzz unshaved.

His girlfriend cheated on him

With the man he thought

Was his best friend.

But what about the little boy

Following his obviously-distressed mother?

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