A dumb shift

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~Lea P.O.V~

"You did not just say that". Unfortunately when my boss repeats himself, I hear the exact same words as the first time. "You're gonna be monitoring the man in the alley this shift". "What?! But that's not even real work!"I respond, ticked off. "I'll pay you an extra $5 an hour" my boss says, rolling his eyes. "Deal!". I then put on my clown mask and head outside to monitor. The reason I have to wear a mask is so the guy won't see my real face. This shift is really boring...wait is that who I think it is?! "I can't believe it", I whisper under my breath. It's Mason, the boy I met in fifth grade 5 years ago.

~Mason P.O.V.~

Agh dammit. I can't take this anymore. I'm starving and dehydrated. I would go back to my parents house, but that would mean abuse all over again. God fucking dammit. "Hello there" says a man who is also in the alley. He looks as if he is 60 something. "Are you ok?" he asks. I decide that I might as well tell the truth. "Not really, no". "Would you like a drink?" I am hesitant at first , but since im really thirsty, I say "yes please!" As soon as the guy give me the drink, I eagerly chug it. "You must've been thirsty" he says. I suddenly feel woozy. "My head is spinning...."

                              ~Lea P.O.V.~

I notice Mason passed out and what I see shocks me. He was shrinking rapidly and he was passed out. I stop my recording and run over there. (I've been recording everything the guy did to make sure nothing suspicious happened). "OI! YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MASON?!". The guy hears me and runs away. I'm still trying to comprehend what happened. I check my recording again and then look at the floor in front of me. Just as the recording showed, Mason was laying on the floor in front of me , shrunken. I assume he's about 6 inches tall, because he is legit the size of my phone, and I pick him up. I'm too nervous to talk, since he might wake up, so I just shove him in my pocket and go back to working.


I walk in to Starbucks and go greet my manager. "The guy eventually left" I tell him. "And regular pay amount is fine". My manager is confused but ends up saying "ok then, you can either continue working or go home". "I'll continue working" I say. "But uh, can I get a Grande Caramel Frappuccino and a Grande strawberry açaí?"  My manager looks at me confused and says "really....? You want two grande drinks at 9:00PM?" "Yeah, I'll pay in my money" I continue serving customers for another hour, and as the store closes, my manager hands me a bag. "Heres's your drink, and I put in two cheese danishes for free". "Thanks!" I walk out of the store and into my car, with one question in my mind. 'How will I give Mason his drink?' I got myself a strawberry açaí , since it's my favorite . And I got Mason a Caramel Frappuccino because it's his favorite. And no . I'm not a stalker. I just seen him one time during a shift, talking to another worker. He said that he wanted a Caramel Frappuccino because it's his favorite. And I'm still confused about how my manager could jus tell that I was getting something for someone else. Like why would he give me two of the same thing?

I get to my house, and bring my bags inside. School starts in two days, and I am still not caught up on sleep. I put my Starbucks in the fridge and slam the door shut. "Might as well eat" I murmur to myself. I put some instant Mac and cheese in the microwave and start it. As it's cooking, another impossible question comes to my mind. 'Where will Mason sleep?' I don't have the energy to make him a temporary bed, so I end up deciding that he can stay on my bed. Just thinking about this makes me turn red, because for a long time, I was in deep love with him. "This is just a last resort", I tell myself. My thoughts are disrupted by a very annoying "BEEEEP!".

I take my Mac and cheese and grab a spoon. I'm peacefully sitting at my table eating, when I feel movement from my pocket. Shit! He's awake! After I feel Mason moving, I rush to my room. It's a little messy, but thankfully the bed is made. I carefully take Mason out of my pocket and put him on a pillow. He is half asleep, so I just gently put my sheet over him and walk out.

After finishing my Mac in cheese, I go back to my room. I change , brush my teeth and I go back to where Mason was. I smile, and look at him. He's sleeping peacefully and looks so innocent. I carefully slip into the opposite side of bed and position myself. Ten minutes pass and I immediately fall asleep.

                           ~The next day~

                        ~Mason P.O.V.~

I wake up, and I don't remember where I am. I sit up , and realize everything is huge. What happened to me?! I sit up and silently start to cry. I have no idea where I am or how I got here. After a few minutes I look up. I realize I'm on a pillow, so I turn to see who's bed I'm on. The moment I turn around, I feel my body turn cold. "Lea....."

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