A last resort reunion

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~Mason P.O.V.~

I can't believe it. Not only am I 6 inches tall, but I'm stuck in the house of my ex-crush. Ex being that she became a psychopath. "Lea.....". That is the one word that comes out of my mouth in a whisper. I try not to show that I'm scared, but she can obviously sense it. She smiles at me, and not one of those sociopath smiles, but a normal smile. "Glad you didn't die" she says. Now this is what caught me off guard. The Lea I knew hated me, and wanted me dead. But here she was, acting the complete opposite.

         ~Lea P.O.V~

Mason is noticeably scared, so I decide to take a friendlier approach. I gently reach for him, but instead of being able to stroke his hair like I had hoped, he starts backing away from me in fear. I honestly completely understand. Last time he saw me I was a complete sociopath. My face softens in disappointment, but I pull my hand away. "Relax, I just wanted to hold you" I say. "What did you to me..." he says, quietly. When I don't respond , he says it louder. "What did you do to me". Eventually he screams at me and says "WHAT DID YOU DO TO
ME?!". After seeing my expression get more serious, Mason backs away in fear, thinking he will get hurt.

I turn to him, and with a blank expression say "I didn't do anything". "Don't you remember that guy from the alley?" I ask. He then seems as if he remembers something, before staying "so why am I here...? So you can kill me?" . After Mason says this, I realize something. He was afraid because he shrunk, yes. But also because I had threatened him countless times in the past.

                          ~Mason P.O.V~

Lea seems do be ignoring my question, so I ask again. "Why am I here?". This time, she actually responds. "Well... I was working a shift at the Starbucks near that alley, and I was told to watch that creepy man, since he always hung out there... and well I saw you shrink. I managed to get the guy to leave, but since you were unconscious and probably gonna die if you stayed where you were, I put you in my pocket and took you home with me". I look at Lea, and then look away. Once again, she reaches for me, and once again I back away. "Make no mistake" I say. "This is just a last resort reunion". "Yeah yeah..." Lea responds, stroking my hair. Just then, she remembers something. "So I uhh....brought you something from Starbucks, but I hoe no idea how you're gonna be able to drink it"she says. I look up, because I would have never expected Lea to get me anything, let alone care. "Thank you" I whisper, not making eye contact.

                               ~Lea P.O.V.~

"Is it ok if I pick you up? I'm asking because you seem to back away every time I try to touch you". "Ok..." Mason responds, coming closer to me. I calmly pick him up and carry him to my kitchen. I set him on my counter and I head to my fridge. I take out Mason's drink and put it next to him. "No clue how you're gonna drink this.. but here" I say. He looks at me, and then at the drink and asks "how did you-..?" "How did I know what drink you liked? Well.. one day on my shift I heard you talking to a worker about this being your favorite drink, so I got it for you". "My boss also gave me two free cheese danishes , so you can have one if you like".

                          ~Mason P.O.V.~

Is this some sort of dream?! I'm six inches tall, and I'm stuck with my ex close friend, who is being a complete oposite of who she was. Since I'm hungry, I decide that I'll just ask for help. "Hey Lea? Can I get some help?" I ask. "With what?". "Drinking" I say, walking closer to her. She smiles , and says "sure". She grabs a straw, inserts it into my drink and she picks me up. She sets me down on an upsidown cup, so I can reach the straw. Just then , the doorbell rings. "I'm coming!" Lea shouts, running to the door. As soon as she opens it, the first word she says is "oh shit".

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