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                               ~Lea P.O.V~

I look back at the kitchen, and then at the little girl in front of me. "Aubrey.. I totally forgot I was supposed to watch Shady".  "Come on Lea!", she says, whining. "You're my sister! Can't you just take him?!" . I look at my sister, then at the black cat she is holding. I realize what a danger this is for Mason, but being the dumbass I am, I take it from her. "You better get going, you know how mom hates when we're late" I say. Aubrey then runs back to my mom's car, smiling. "Bye Lea!", she says. I put shady on the floor , and immediately turn on the TV. While it may sound strange, my ten year old sister's cat is addicted to cocomelon. I put on cocomelon, then return to where Mason is. "You're not allergic to cats are you..?" I ask. "No" he responds, giving me a wave of relief. "Good" I say. "Because my little sister's cat is staying here for the day". I can tell that mason is panicking, but I pretend to be oblivious and I start rummaging through my pantry. Finally, after what feels like forever, I pull out a bag of brown sugar and some pancake mix. I take out a bowl and set my ingredients on the same counter as Mason. "Pancakes fine?" I ask. He nods his head and continues drinking his drink.

                          ~Mason P.O.V~

I'm trying so hard not to scream, because now that there is a cat here, I'm in a lot more danger. I don't want to say anything, so I keep drinking my drink. All of a sudden I hear a loud bang, causing me to shake. "Shady! Stop it!" Lea says, scolding the cat.

Before I can react, I end up falling into the bag of brown sugar. I eventually am covered in it before realizing what happened. I hear Lea's muffled voice, before I am pulled out form the bag of sugar. "Are you ok?!", she asks, looking very worried. "I-I'm fine..." I say, looking down. Pretty soon , Lea notices that I'm covered in sugar. She smiles, and the next thing I know, I'm being brought to her lips. "Lea what are you doing?", I ask in horror. "No! Please don't! Stop ! I beg you!"

                             ~Lea P.O.V.~

I am very confused at why Mason is shouting , but the last thing his says makes me understand. "Please don't eat me!". I quickly bring him away from my mouth, and say "I wasn't gonna eat you". This makes him look up. "You're... you're not...?"he asks in fear. "Of courses not! Let me show you what I was going to do!" With that , I bring him up to my lips , and kiss his head. "I was just gonna kiss you" I say, giggling. "Now, let's get you cleaned up". I get a napkin, and start cleaning some of the sugar from off his clothes. He is still blushing, but I once again,pretend to be oblivious.

"Can I take a bath or something?" Mason asks."Sure". Since there're not many options on how Mason could take a bath, I grab a large bowl, and start filling it with water. I start heading to the bathroom with it, when Mason tugs my shirt. "Don't leave me" he says, whining a little. I smile, out the bowl down, set Mason on my shoulder and grab the bowl. I set it down next to my bathroom sink, and I give him a soap slice I managed to get for him. "Do you have clothes or do you need clothes" I ask. "I have clothes in my backpack" he responds. I leave him in the bathroom to shower, and I continue cooking breakfast. The fact that he thought I was gonna eat him just disturbs me.

~Mason P.O.V~

Maybe...Lea isn't so bad after all. I mean, sure she tried to kill me a couple of times, and sure she sacrificed me too... but that was five years ago. She really seems like she's changed. I immediately get that thought out of my head, and remind myself that this is a last resort reunion. Nothing more nothing less.


"God dammit! Lea says, walking up to the door. Why is it that everybody is ringing my bell today?! I swear ...if this is another useless interaction..."

I grab a towel and start getting dressed. As I'm doing so, I think about how fifth grade could've ended differently. If nothing happened between me and Lea, could we have been something?... No. She'd never love someone like me, especially now that I'm so small.

"Whoever the fuck is at my god damm door better not ware my time. I've been bothered enough already". And with that, Lea opens to the door. "May I help you?" ,she says. "Yeah it miss?" say the person on the other side. Lea takes off her clown mask and says "yes bitch, now what do you want, I'm in the middle of cooking breakfast". What the person on the other side of the door says freaks out both me and Lea. "I'm looking for a boy named Mason".

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