Chapter 1

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"What is the capital of France?" the director asked in the parking lot before their apartment building. The members were waiting for Namjoon to return to the car. He forgot his passport, again, but this time he was caught in time due to Seokjin's comment. The oldest was known to be the mother hen of the group and he made sure that everybody had everything they needed before leaving.

"Paris!" they all yelled at the same time. "That one was so easy!" Hoseok said.

"Okay, this one will be more difficult. What is the capital of Latvia?" the director asked. After a moment of silence Jungkook decided to give it a try "Li-Liga?" The boys looked with big eyes at their youngest and then at the director. "What?" asked Seokjin with a surprised look.

"Aii you're so close Jungkook" the director replied, also being surprised that one of the boys knew the answer. To be honest, if he didn't had the answers in his hand, he wouldn't know the answer as well.

"It is Riga then?" the maknae asked, and judging by the reaction of the director he knew he had the right answer. His bunny smile grew bigger and he felt someone jumping on his back. "Kookie! Ahhhh good job! I'm so proud" Taehyung shouted from his back.

Jungkook and Taehyung had desperately studied most capital cities. A few days ago, the boys and the staff came together to go over the last details of their upcoming holiday. When the director had opened his computer on a large TV screen, Taehyung and Jungkook saw a tablet opened with a site called 'Countries and capitals'. They only needed to look at each other and an alliance was made. Every time they went on a holiday, the director had prepared questions for the boys, and the one with the most points at the end of the trip would receive a present. Namjoon, being the smartest of the band, usually won the price. So the youngest two had decided to take matters in their own hands, and the past few days they were silently studying all the capital cities in their spare time.

The other boys however hadn't noticed the tablet on the computer and looked very surprised at their maknae. "How...." Looked Jimin almost betrayed at the boy standing next to him. Jungkook didn't answer the question and just looked very proud at his hyungs around him. That is how Namjoon found the members when he got back to the car. He noticed the surprised looks of most members and the director included, and a very happy maknae with a Taehyung on his back, looking proud. "Did I miss something?" he asked hesitant.

"Kookie knew the capital city of Latvia!" replied Seokjin. Namjoon looked confused, what were they talking about when he went back inside to get his passport? he thought to himself. He decided to not question it any further and turned around to the car. He opened the door and was the first to get into the car. Soon everybody was seated and the driver began to ride towards the airport.

"What is the capital of Canada?" the director asked from the passenger seat. There are 195 countries, so he could easily ask a few more questions during their one hour ride.




Multiple shouts were heard trough the car. "Wrong, wrong and wrong. Seriously, who said Alaska?" the director couldn't refrain a smile. None of the boys dared to answer the last question, fearing they would receive minus points. But based on their looks, it was Jin who answered the question wrong, since he was the only one who could not look at the director without laughing.

"Ottawa" a deep voice came from the back seat. "Yes that's right Taehyung, one point for you!" the director said.

"What? Did you cheat? Did you use your phone you little brat?" asked Yoongi when he turned around in his seat to look at the second youngest.

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