Chapter 14

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"What do you mean, they are in the hospital?!!!"

Yoongi sighed. He knew that Seokjin would freak out the minute he knew about Namjoon and Hoseok, so he tried to delay it as long as he could. But unfortunately, the oldest member woke up only an hour after the said boys had left.

"Seokjin please... calm down"

"No Yoongi! They are in the HOSPITAL! I need to see them" Seokjin continued to ramble as quickly stood up from the couch where he had sat down next to Yoongi and the two youngest. Jungkook and Taehyung were starting to wake up at the shouting in front of them.

"Seokjin!" Yoongi growled as he noticed the reaction of the maknaes. "Kitchen, now"

Seokjin was about to shout something again, but closed his mouth when he saw Yoongi's stern look. Suddenly the roles were reversed with just one look. The oldest one nodded furiously and went to the kitchen, not looking behind as the rapper followed him.

"You need to calm down Seokjin" Yoongi started when both of them were in the kitchen.

"Calm down? You just told me that two of our members are in the hospital because they're too sick" the oldest member said harshly.

"They will be fine hyung. They are dehydrated like the maknaes had been, but Sejin didn't want to keep them here since nobody is well enough to take care of them" Yoongi explained calmly. He wanted to yell back, but he knew that would only result in a fight so he tried to keep the peace as good as possible.

"I can take care of them!" Seokjin yelled. "Don't you trust me?!"

Yoogi sighed, his patience was being tested. "Of course I trust you hyung. But you were sick as well yesterday, and you haven't slept properly for at least 2 days."

"You should have woken me when Sejin was here" the older one replied angry.

"And then what, huh?" the rapper's voice was starting to rise as well. "I tried hyung. I tried to keep them here. But Sejin gave me no choice"

"Sure Yoongi" Jin half laughed as he left the kitchen, not wanting to talk to the second oldest anymore.

"Hyung..." Yoongi sighed, but the older one didn't respond when he left. The rapper turned around and pulled at his hair out of anger. Then his mobile phone started to buzz in his pocket.


The rapper immediately accepted the call when he saw the name on the screen.

"Hyung, how are they? Is something wrong?" he asked before the manager could say anything.

"They're fine Yoongi. I just wanted to give you an update. Namjoon and Hoseok are admitted and given fluids, they're sleeping right now but the doctor said they are allowed visitors in the afternoon."

Yoongi felt himself relaxed, knowing that the sick boys were fine. "Thank you hyung. I will let the others know" the rapper said before he ended the call. He felt his stomach grumble and looked at this phone to check the time. 13:02am, no wonder he was hungry. The boy decided to make some ramen so he could stay in the kitchen a little longer, since he was not ready to face Seokjin already. He took all time to chop some vegetables and meat and let the water cook longer than necessary before he put the ramen in the pan. But after 15 minutes he was done and couldn't delay the inevitable confrontation with the oldest member any more.

"Lunch is ready" Yoongi called for the others when he left the kitchen with the pan in his hands. He was glad to see that Jimin had woken in the mean time and he could easily tell that Seokjin had given him an update already. The small boy looked worried and checked his phone every 5 seconds as if he was expecting a text. The four boys nodded and sat down at the dining table. The rapper could feel Seokjin stare at him as he divided the food between the five of them. An awkward silence fell over the table. The maknaes could feel the tension in the air, causing them to poke at the food instead of eating it.

"Eat, you need it" Yoongi said when he noticed the untouched plates. Jimin nodded and started to eat slowly, Jungkook only shrugged and Taehyung looked back and forth between his hyungs.

"Did you fight?" Taehyung asked timidly. Yoongi stopped eating to looked at Seokjin. The older one looked back at him and stopped eating as well.

"Sejin just called me. He said that Joon and Hobi are fine. They're allowed visitors in the afternoon" the rapper said, not answering the younger one's question. Seokjin huffed annoyed.

"You got something to say hyung?" Yoongi snapped.

"Tae what's wrong?" a soft whisper was heard from the other side of the table. The two older members momentarily forgot their fight when they saw Jungkook pull at Taehyung's sleeve. They didn't need the thermometer to know that his fever was spiking again, judging the unfocused look in his eyes and flushed cheeks. Seokjin leaned across the table and checked the boy's forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Aii Kookie, you're burning up" the older one said concerned. Jungkook looked confused at his words and focused back on Taehyung. "What's wrong?" he asked again.

Taehyung pulled his arm around the younger one's shoulder and looked at Seokjin and Yoongi for an answer, since he also wanted to know what was going on. Yoongi decided to keep his mouth shut and motioned for the oldest to say something.

Jin felt trapped when he saw the four younger ones looking at him. "Nothing is wrong Kookie. Yoongi and I had a little argument, that's all" he tried to reassure the maknae.

"I'm sorry hyung" Jungkook mumbled.

"Why are you sorry?" Yoongi asked confused. The maknae tried to hide his face in Taehyung's shoulder. "Don't be mad at me" the boy whispered so soft that the boy's almost couldn't hear him. The rapper gasped and turned to Seokjin angrily 'you fix this'. The oldest swallowed nervously, he had never seen Yoongi so angry.

"Kookie, we're not mad at you. You did nothing wrong" Jin said. Jungkook lifted his head and scrunched his nose in confusion. "Oh" he simply said before he lead his head rest against the comfortable shoulder again.

"I'm sorry. I now release that I overreacted." Seokjin said sadly and turned around to look at Yoongi. "I'm sorry Yoongi, I shouldn't have said those things. I am - I'm just really worried"

Yoongi nodded and grabbed the older one's hands. "It's okay hyung. I know you're worried"

"I want to see them" Jimin said.

"Not yet Jiminie. Sejin will let us know when he is going to pick us up" the rapper replied. "Now, finish your food"

Jimin and Taehyung nodded and started to eat since their appetite had returned, knowing that their hyungs weren't fighting anymore. Jungkook tried to eat as well, but the noodles kept fallen from his chopsticks. Jimin chuckled at the not-so-golden maknae right now, and helped him eat when he was done himself. Eventually everybody had managed to finish their plate and Seokjin demanded that he would clean up, as he was still feeling guilty for the fight with Yoongi.

Yoongi took the maknaes back to the couch and made Jungkook and Taehyung take their medicine again. After Seokjin was done cleaning the dishes, he joined the boys in the living room and sat down next to Yoongi. The rapper smiled and pulled the older one to his side without saying anything. Together they waited for Sejin to call them so they could go the hospital.

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