Chapter 7

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"Thank you Jimin, you were great with Tae" Namjoon said to the younger one when the doctor had left. Jimin smiled and hugged Taehyung a little closer to his chest. The boy was exhausted from high fevers and not only one, but two doctor visits.

"Sleep Tae" Jimin whispered and moved his hand through the boy's unruly hair. It only took a minute for Taehyung fall asleep again. When he looked to his left he saw that Jungkook was asleep as well, using Hoseok as one big pillow.

"Namjoon, could you help me lay Kookie down?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon nodded and together they lay the youngest down on some more pillows. When Hoseok was a free man again, he grabbed the thermometer from the coffee table and carefully took both maknae's temperatures.

"Ahh their fevers are finally going down. Jungkook has 38.6C and Tae 38.3C" Hoseok said with a relieved sigh. Both temperatures were still high, but he was glad that it wasn't near 40C anymore.

"The fever reducers the doctor gave them are kicking in then" Namjoon responded. Hoseok nodded "How long do you think they will work though?"

"I think a few hours, like the pills? I don't know actually. We should check their temperatures regularly so we know when to give the next round of fever reduces" the leader said while he looked at the packages of the medicine that the doctor had given them, reading the descriptions. The doctor had also given them suppositories and Namjoon really hoped that they didn't need to use them. Taehyung and Jungkook will probably kill him when they get better for 1) bringing a doctor, 2) getting poked with needles and 3) suppositories.

Namjoon looked at the youngest two once again before he noticed that the other couch was quite silent the whole time. He turned around and smiled when he saw that Seokjin and Yoongi had fallen asleep as well. The rapper was slumped to Jin's side this time, his back bend in an uncomfortable angle. This day was exhausting for everyone, and Namjoon could only imagine the exhaustion the boys felt who were sick on top of it.

"We should get Yoongi to bed. The couch is too small for the both of them" Namjoon looked to his right and saw Hoseok standing besides him, also looking at the two oldest members. The leader nodded and with the help of Hoseok he moved one arm underneath Yoongi's legs and the other around his back. Thankfully, the rapper was the lightest of them so it didn't take Namjoon a lot of effort to carry his hyung to the bedroom.

While Namjoon slowly walked towards the hallway, he occasionally glanced down to look at Yoongi. The boy continued to sleep peacefully even though he was being carried. The leader frowned, Yoongi was usually a very light sleeper and the fact that he didn't wake up right now showed how sick the boy must be feeling.
When he reached the first bedroom he gently lowered the rapper on the bed and pulled the covers back in place. Namjoon then felt the boy's forehead with the palm of his hand. Yoongi felt a little warm, but not feverish warm though. 'Maybe I worry too much' the leader thought to himself.

Namjoon turned off the lights and walked back to the living room and saw that Hoseok had covered Seokjin with blankets as well. Behind the couch he saw Sejin closing his laptop and putting it back into his backpack.

"Boys, I hate to say it, but I have to go back to the hotel again. There're a few appointments I need to attend to and I can't reschedule them" the manager said to the two boys who weren't sick.

"It's okay hyung, thank you so much for your help" Namjoon replied and Hoseok nodded in agreement.

"No need. Call me if you need anything, and before I forget – " Sejin showed a small note in his hands "This is the phone number of the doctor". He then gave it to Namjoon.

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