Chapter 10

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The doctor smiled when he entered the bedroom. On the second bed he found the three youngest members sleeping together, limbs going everywhere.
Hoseok had moved to Jimin's side, who was sleeping on the left side of Jungkook.

"Jimin wake up" he gentle shook the boy's shoulder.

"Few more minutes hyung" the small boy said, not wanting to wake up yet. The older one smiled but then shook the shoulder once again. "Jimin, the doctor is here. Please let him check on Kookie"

Jimin then opened his eyes and looked at the end of the bed and noticed that the old man had returned. He smiled politely at the doctor and carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake Jungkook in the process. Hoseok sat down on the other bed and pulled Jimin on his lap.

The doctor sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Jungkook sleeping silently, face buried into Taehyung's neck.

"He fell asleep about 40 minutes ago after a mental breakdown" Namjoon said, explaining why the youngest was asleep. The doctor frowned at the comment "What do you mean?"

"He was crying and wouldn't talk to us. Eventually he told us that he was scared and didn't want to be sick anymore. His fever is back again, but we didn't manage to give him more medicine because he was so upset" The leader explained in perfect English.

"Ah poor boy. A fever can make anyone delirious, up to a point that he doesn't trust anyone anymore" the doctor said gently. He then measured the boy's temperature again, 39.7C. "Yeah you're right, it's spiking again"

He then took the boy's left arm in his hands and unwrapped the bandage. He carefully prodded around the IV needle. "The good news is that it doesn't look infected. But the bad news is that this IV won't work anymore, and that I have to place a new one"

The boys looked at each other nervously. The older man quickly removed the old IV and bandaged the arm. The doctor looked surprised when Jungkook continued to sleep, only moaning a few times. Hoseok noticed the surprised looked. "He is a heavy sleeper, he also didn't wake up when I gave him a suppository" he said to the doctor.

"Ah really?" the doctor laughed a little at the comment. "Well, I will try to be as gentle as possible, it will be better if the boy continues to sleep" Namjoon and Hoseok nodded in agreement. Jimin, Yoongi and Seokjin just looked confused at the English speaking people.

The older man inspected the maknae's left arm "Thankfully, the boy has good veins. I guess he works out a lot?" he said while he tied the band around the lower arm.

"Muscle bunny" Jimin said. Everyone laughed at the small boy.

The doctor quickly inserted a new IV just below the wrist, Jungkook only moaned a little bit and nuzzled his face further in Taehyung's neck. "I will wrapped the IV better this time so it has no chance of moving." He pulled out some bandages from his bags and soon the left arm was covered. It almost looked like Jungkook had broken his arm.

"As for the fever, I will give him a shot again, since he is still sleeping soundlessly" and he gave him a injection with fever reducers in the upper arm. He connected a new fluid bag to the IV as well, and smiled when he saw the improvised fluid bag holder 'aka hook on the wall from the painting'.

The doctor then looked at the other patient, lying comfortably on the other side of Jungkook. "How is the other one doing?" the old man asked Namjoon.

"I think he is getting better. He managed to eat a little bit at dinner" the leader replied.

"Ah that's good. The fluid bag is almost empty, so I will remove it, but I want to keep the IV needle just in case. If he continues to eat and drink on his own without throwing up, I will remove it in the morning." The doctor explained while he grabbed the empty bag from the hook on the wall. He also measured the boy's temperature. 38.7C

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