Chapter 3

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It was 1:38 am when Yoongi was woken again. At first he didn't knew why he woke up only one hour after he felt asleep, but soon he got his answer when he heard noises coming from the shared bathroom in the hallway. He quickly got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom when he was met by Taehyung, crouched next to the toilet.

"Ah were you sick again Tae?" Yoongi knelt next to Taehyung, moving his hand to the boy's forehead to check his temperature. Taehyung nodded in response and leaned into the older one's touch. "Don't feel good hyung"

"Hmm your fever isn't going down. Do you think you're done throwing up? Do you want back to bed?"

"Yeah I think I'm done" Taehyung started to get up but got dizzy, arms flew around to on to something. Yoongi quickly grabbed the boy around the waist and supported him back to bed.

"Don't go to sleep yet. Let me give you some fever reducers first" the rapper left the room, and within a few moments he returned with the bottle of pills, the thermometer and a glass of water. First he measured his temperature again, 39.4C.

"Yeah, your fever is still the same Tae" Yoongi took two pills from the bottle and gave them to the boy. After Taehyung had taken the pills, he stayed a little longer at his donsaeng's side, moving his hand through the boy's hair until he was asleep again. When he stood up to go back to his own bed, he saw another set of eyes looking at him.

"Jimin-ah, how long have you been awake?"

"A few minutes ago. Did Taehyung throw up again?" Jimin whispered in return. One of his hands came from under the covers to hold Taehyung.

"Yeah he did. How are you feeling?" Yoongi had moved to Jimin's side, moving his hand through his hair just like he did with Taehyung.

"I feel a little bit better I think" the younger one mumbled, face half covered in the pillow. Yoongi hummed in response but moved his hand to the boy's forehead to check if his fever was also becoming better. Jimin was, like Jungkook, also known to be a master in hiding injuries or illness.

"Good to hear that you're feeling better. You're still feeling warm, let me check your temperature as well" he carefully put the thermometer in the boy's ear, 38,5C.

"Ah you still have a fever but it's lower than earlier, that's a good sign. But you should take some more fever reducers as well. Can you sit up?" Jimin nodded and sat up against the pillows. He quickly took the pills and lay back down again.

"Hyung...?" the sick boy asked hesitant

"Yeah what it is Jiminie?"

"Can you, maybe, ... stay?" Jimin moved the sheets a little higher, afraid that Yoongi would get mad for asking. The older one gave a soft smile "Of course" Yoongi lifted the covers and laid down next to the younger one, spooning him from behind. He nuzzles his face in the other's neck and whispered "Go the sleep Jimin, you need it"

"Thanks hyung"

"Thanks for what?" Yoongi asked with confusion

"Thanks for taking care of us" the younger one replied in a sleepy voice.

"Don't mention it, we are family, we take care of each other. Now sleep" When the rapper didn't get a response he knew that Jimin was already asleep. Soon Yoongi was sleeping as well, hugging the boy a little closer.


Meanwhile in the living room, Jin was lying on the couch on the opposite side of Jungkook's couch. He chose to sleep on the couch instead of his bed, so he could keep a watch over the youngest. But Jin couldn't sleep even though Jungkook was sleeping silently. He turned and wiggled, not finding a comfortable position to sleep. On top of that, one minute he was feeling cold and the other minute he was feeling like he was in a sauna. 'I really hope I didn't have a fever as well' he thought to himself. But instead of finding the thermometer he decided to try to sleep again, knowing it would be a waste of time anyways.

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