Chapter 4

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Sejin opened the front door of the villa. Luckily he got a set of spare keys from the renter so didn't have to ring the doorbell, not wanting to wake up any of the sick boys in case there were sleeping. When he walked inside the first member he saw was Namjoon. The boy looked like a walking zombie when he came over to their manager. Dark circles underneath his half closed eyes and untamed hair resting on top of his head.

"Hey Sejin hyung, thanks for coming over"

"Don't mention it Namjoon. How are the boys?" Sejin asked while putting his coat on the coat rack and untying his shoes.

"Not doing any better unfortunately... Yoongi and Seokjin got sick as well" the leader dragged both hands across his face, trying to rub away the tiredness, something he did a lot the past few hours. Sejin sighed in response "And what about you? You look sick as well"

"Nah I'm just tired. Didn't sleep much because Taehyung and Jimin had vomited in bed"

"Ah poor boys. Go to bed Namjoon, I will take care of the boys when you get some more sleep" Sejin put a hand on the boy's shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. Namjoon sighed and nodded.

"Thanks hyung, the thermometer is on the dining table and the fever reducers are –"

"Namjoon stop, I will find them. Now go to bed" Sejin interrupted the leader and pushed him towards the hallway. Sejin waited until he saw the boy entering the bedroom before turning around and looking around the living room. He saw Jungkook sitting in the corner of the large couch, covered in multiple blankets, watching the TV. Sejin walked around the couch to get a proper look of the boy. The maknae looked terrible. He was paler than Yoongi and his usual bright eyes where unfocused and dull. The boy didn't notice his presence until the manager sat next to him.

"Hey Jungkook, how are you feeling?" he asked while putting a hand on his forehead.

"Hyung, 'm fine" the maknae mumbled while leaning his head into the cold hand of the older one.

"He just threw up again" Sejin turned his head around to see Hoseok coming into the living room with a clean bin in his hands. The dancer sat down on the other side of Jungkook, bringing his arms around the boy.

"Did you gave him some fever reducers? He is burning up" Sejin asked Hoseok

"Yeah we did, but every time he eats or drinks something he throws up afterwards." The dancer answered and pulled Jungkook at little closer so he could lay onto his chest.

"He can't keep anything down? Also water?" the manager asked with concern in his voice. Hoseok shook his head in response.

"Hmm that's not good. I will call for a doctor to check on him after I checked on the other boys as well"

"No, no doctor, 'm fine hyung" they heard a small voice coming from Hoseok's chest. Jungkook looked up at them with tears in his eyes "Please hyung"

Hoseok's heart pained when he saw the look on their youngest face. "Aii Kookie, it will be okay" he said as he rubbed circles on the boy's back.

"How are you Hoseok, did you caught the stomach bug as well?" Sejin asked the older member while carefully inspecting him. The boy looked fine, especially compared to Jungkook who was lying in his arms.

"Yeah I fine hyung, don't worry about me" Hoseok gave their manager a soft smile. Sejin nodded and stood up "I'm going to check on the other boys".

The manager opened the first door he saw in the hallway and saw two figures curled up in bed. Yoongi and Seokjin. They were both sleeping silently, so Sejin moved without making any sound and carefully checked both temperatures. They were feeling a bit warmer than usual but it didn't feel as warm as Jungkook. Deciding to let the boys sleep, Sejin walked out of the room and went to the next bedroom.

"Hey Sejin hyung" He was greeted by Jimin who was cuddling Taehyung. They were both awake and watching something on the mobile phone that Jimin was holding.

"Hey boys, how are you feeling? I heard you both got sick tonight" Sejin sat on Taehyung's side on the bed.

"I feel a little bit better, but Taehyung still feels sick" the oldest of the 95-line answered. He looked a little pale, but there was a little bit of color on his cheeks. Taehyung however looked completely pale and his eyes were unfocused. Sejin moved his hand to the younger one's forehead

"Aii Taehung is burning up"

"Yeah I gave him some fever reducers when he woke up. I think about 10 minutes ago" Jimin replied. Sejin nodded and then felt the other 95-liners head. He was a little warm, but not as warm as Taehyung, thankfully.

"Are the others also sick hyung? It's so quiet in the house" Taehyung whispered. Sejin sighed "Yeah Yoongi and Seokjin got sick as well. Namjoon was tired so he is sleeping as well. Kookie is still sick, but Hoseok is fine though."

Taehyung looked with guilty eyes at Jimin "Shit Jimin, we made Yoongi hyung sick!" Sejin smiled at the boys "Taehyung, this isn't your fault. Stomach bugs are contagious, you can't do anything about that"

"Can I get you something, maybe something to eat or drink?" the manager then asked. Jimin shook his head "No I'm fine, I just had breakfast. Maybe some fruit for Tae?" Taehyung was turning green at the thought of food "No not hungry hyung" he mumbled and then turned his head into Jimin's side.

"Okay, but if you need anything please tell me"

"Thanks hyung" Jimin replied before the manager left the room.

Sejin moved to the last bedroom in the hallway. He opened the door and peaked his head around the corner. He saw Namjoon lying under the covers, snoring softly. Not wanting to wake him up, he quickly closed the door and went back to the living room.

"I'm going to make a quick call but I will be right back" he told Hoseok, when he saw the dancer looking at him. He went outside into the garden where he saw clean bedsheets drying in the sun. He opened his mobile phone and searched for a doctor's clinic nearby. When he found one, he called and explained the situation. After the call he returned to the living room.

"A doctor will come by in the afternoon" Sejin said to Hoseok.

"Ah good, thank you Sejin hyung" the younger one replied. "No need to thank me. Can I get you anything? I saw sheets drying outside, is there more laundry that I can wash?" the manager looked around, trying to find something to do.

"No it's fine. You being here is enough hyung" Hoseok gave him a smile.

Sejin's heat melted at the comment. "Well, I better do some work in the meantime until the doctor comes. But don't bother to tell me if I can help you with anything" the manager grabbed his laptop and sat down at the dining table so he could watch over the living room at the same time. 'I hope the doctor will come soon' he thought to himself before focusing on the multiple unread mails from the past few days.

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