Chapter 2

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Glad that at least two maknaes were sleeping, three of the four members returned to the living room.

"I'm going to call Sejin and tell him we can't shoot the new episode of Run BTS tomorrow" said Namjoon, and went to his own bedroom instead of the living room.

When the others returned to the living room they saw Jungkook laying on the smaller couch. They thought that he was sleeping but when Jin got closer he saw that the boy was shaking. He quickly moved around the couch and sat next to him.

"Jungkook, you're shaking, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fi – ne" the maknae stuttered, it looked like he was holding the contents of his stomach back.

"Please Kook, you are clearly not fine. Why won't you admit that you're sick, we want to help you" the older one tried again. He moved a hand around the tiny waist and gently pushed Jungkook so he was lying on his back.

"I'm FINE! Please, just go awa –" but before the youngest could finish he started gagging again, his cover blown to pieces. Jungkook moved so he was sitting instead of laying down and places both hands on his mouth, desperately trying not to vomit.

"Ahh Kookie, don't try to hold it down. You will feel better once you have thrown up" Seokjin moved so he could sit behind the sick boy and placed a hand on the upsetting stomach. He could feel the lean muscles spasm with each gag. In the meantime Hoseok had appeared with a bin and a towel, and Jin nodded thanks in response.

"Seokjin-hyung, do you need any help or something else?" Yoongi felt helpless when he was done cleaning Jimin's vomit next to the bigger couch. He hated seeing his members sick, but he really hated when he couldn't help them. But when the eldest shook his head, Yoongi sat next to Hoseok on the other couch.

"Are you okay Hobi? You look a little pale as well" Yoongi whispered. Hoseok turned to the boy next to him.

"Ahh I really don't like vomit, or people that are vomiting. It makes me throw up as well"

"Yeah I know you do, but let me check your temperature, just to be sure you didn't caught the stomach bug as well" Yoongi said while grabbing the thermometer from the salon table. The thermometer beeped, 37.3C. The older one sighed in relief "Aii no fever thankfully. You should go to your bedroom though if Kookie is making you feel sick"

Hoseok looked hesitant. He knew he should better leave the living room so his hyungs wouldn't have to clean up the mess of two vomiting members. But he also wanted to help his donsaeng who was still gagging on the other couch. Yoongi saw his struggle and gave him a little nudge and whispered "Go, we will be fine"

After Hosoek left the living room, Yoongi's attention was back on the youngest. He was still gagging, but hadn't managed to throw up yet, even though Seokjin tried in many different ways to convince the younger one. The maknae was starting to panic again as his breathing was getting faster and more shallow, occasionally interrupted by the gagging.

"He is going to pass out if he doesn't calm down" Yoongi said while moving to sit on the other side of the maknae. "I know a trick that worked on my little brother but he won't like it"

"Please do it, do anything, I don't know what to do anymore" Seokjin answered, looking desperately at the second oldest. Yoongi nodded and carefully took Jungkook's hands. He held both his hands with his left hand and his right hand went to the front side of the younger one's throat. He gently started to massage the throat, his hand moving up and down his Adam's apple, every time putting a little more pressure on it. The movements made Jungkook gag even more, but this time more powerful and direct. It was uncomfortable so the boy tried to move away from Yoongi's hand, but not succeeding since he was held down by two members.

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