Chapter 9

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Hoseok had found the two remaining members in the biggest bedroom. Namjoon was sitting on his bed, reading a book and on the other bed was Jimin sleeping.

"Hey Hobi, hey what's wrong? Why are you sad?" Namjoon throw his book to the side when he saw the slumped shoulders of the dancer.

"Hey" Hoseok sighed, and sat down next to him on the bed. The leader immediately pulled him into a hug.

"What's wrong? Are you getting sick?" he asked and moved a hand on the other 94-liner's forehead. Hoseok shook his head "No, I'm fine. It's just..." the dancer sighed again.

"Jungkook won't talk to me"

"Huh, why? What happened?" Namjoon relaxed a little when he noticed that the dancer wasn't sick.

"I wanted to change the IV, it was a bit of a struggle and then suddenly it looked like something snapped in Jungkook and then he told us to leave." Tears were forming in Hoseok's eyes. "I think it's my fault, I should have been more careful, or wait until he was more awake, or –"

"Stop Hobi, none of that. I'm sure it wasn't your fault. You are the most gentle person I know. You could never hurt Jungkook, or any of the other boys. I don't know what is bothering Jungkook, but I know it has nothing to do with you" Namjoon said to Hoseok, cupping the boy's head with both hands. A single tear escaped Hoseok's eye, he nodded and then swallowed down the lump in his throat.

"Dinner is ready by the way" the dancer smiled softly, trying to change the subject. Namjoon returned the smile and gave Hoseok one last hug before he let him go.

"Let me wake Jimin" the leader left the bed and moved to the small sleeping boy. "Wake up" he gently shook the boy's shoulder. Thankfully, the younger one woke at the first try.

"Hyung what time is it?" he asked when he turned around, voice filled with sleep. Namjoon grabbed his phone to read the time. "It's almost 7pm. Hobi made us dinner."

Jimin nodded and slowly got out of the bed. The three of them walked back to the living room, and Namjoon could easily feel the tension in the room. The leader looked at Seokjin, locking their eyes together and then he used hand gestures to ask if Jungkook was sleeping. The older one shook his head.

"Let get the dining table ready Hobi" Namjoon walked towards the kitchen, pulling Hoseok with him. Jimin on the other hand, wasn't aware of the situation and moved around the couch to sit in between Taehyung and Jungkook. Since Taehyung was sleeping, he starting talking to the maknae.

"Hey Kookie, how do you feel?" and moved his hand to the boy's hair. But Jungkook turned his head around, to face the couch instead of Jimin. "Go away" he heard the younger one mumble. The 95-liner looked confused and turned his head to see Seokjin staring at them.

"Did I do something wrong hyung?" Jimin whispered. The oldest one shook his head and motioned for the younger one to sit next to him. Jimin looked at Jungkook once again but then nodded. Seokjin grabbed the small boy so he could sit in his lap when the boy got closer to him.

"Jungkook is a little sad right now, leave him alone for a moment" the older one whispered to Jimin. The 95-liner looked concerned, so he didn't relax in his hyung's lap. "Hey why don't you help the others set the table?" Jin then said. Jimin nodded a little hesitant but moved towards the kitchen anyways.

When Jimin entered the kitchen he heard Hoseok talking to Yoongi. "I don't know what's wrong Yoongi" and then the rapper pulled the dancer into a hug, whispering something in the boy's ear. Namjoon noticed that Jimin had joined them and walked to him

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