Chapter 11

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The rapper line and Taehyung were sitting at the dining table, silently eating their breakfast. It wasn't something fancy, just some cereal and a few pieces of fruit. Yoongi had finished his bowl in record time since he didn't manage to eat a lot yesterday because he was sick. But today he had woken up feeling refreshed and he was glad that his stomach was accepting the simple food.

He wasn't surprised when he saw that Taehyung's bowl was left untouched. The boy looked as if he could fall asleep any moment and at some point the spoon had fallen from his left hand. Yoongi chuckled at the adorable maknae. He looked at the two other rappers as well, frowning when he saw them struggling to finish their bowls. He also noticed that they were more quiet than usual. He could understand why Namjoon was still tired, but he knew that Hoseok had a good night of sleep.

"You're not hungry?" he asked the rappers. Namjoon and Hoseok both jumped at the question and looked at each other.

"Not really, maybe later though" the leader said and Hoseok nodded in agreement, shoving his half finished bowl of cereal away from him.

"I'm going back to bed, trying to get some more hours of sleep" Namjoon said and excused himself from the table. Yoongi nodded and looked at the younger one with suspicion. 'Namjoon rarely sleeps during daytime' he thought. His eyes never leaving the rapper when he walked towards the hallway.

"What's wrong hyung?" Hoseok asked, turning around in his chair to look at Namjoon as well.

"Ah probably nothing Hobi" Yoongi tried to conceal his concern. "We should get him back to bed as well, he is almost drowning in his cereal" he nodded his head in Taehyung's direction. The younger one's head was slowly falling to his chest and it was only hovering a few inches above his bowl right now. Hoseok laughed and gently lifted the boy's head back in place.

"Hmm what?" Taehyung mumbled drowsy.

"Let's go back to bed Tae" Hoseok said softly, rubbing the boy's back. The younger one nodded his head. But suddenly he moved towards Hoseok, moving his legs so he could sit on the dancer's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck, resting his face in the crook of the dancer's neck .

Yoongi tried to suppress a laugh, but failed when he saw Hoseok's bewildered look. "Ahaha this is the best! Our little koala bear" The older one quickly took some pictures of his two donsaengs. Hoseok glared at Yoongi, but he deep down he felt his heart warm at Taehyung's action. It was no secret that the dancer had a soft spot for the maknae line, so he really couldn't say no to an adorable sleeping maknae clinging to him in his arms.

"Hyung, when you're done laughing, could you help me for a moment?" Hoseok said. The dancer tried to stand up while lifting the boy in his arms at the same time. Yoongi immediately stood up and helped Hoseok, his gummy smile not leaving his face.

"He is hanging out with Jungkook too much at the gym" Hoseok grunted as he lifted Taehyung a little bit again when the boy starting to slip from his hands.

"Are you sure you can carry him Hobi?" Yoongi asked concerned when he saw Hoseok breathing heavily. This wasn't the first time that Hoseok was carrying one of the maknaes, but usually he wasn't struggling this much. He also noticed that the dancer looked pale compared to the boy in his arms. 'Is he getting sick?' Yoongi thought but his thoughts were interrupted when Taehyung was slipping again so the older one stepped in, placing both hands on the maknae's waist.

"Let's get him to the couch instead, he can sleep there" the oldest rapper said, and guided both Hoseok and Taehyung towards the nearest couch. Hoseok sighed relieved when he sat down next to the boy who was still sleeping peacefully.

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