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"seungmin! hey, wake up." the sound of a light switch clicked, and bright light filled the small room.

it was felix, his lovely dorm mate.

"what...time is it?" seungmin sits up, rubbing his eye.

"6, the time you wanted me to wake you up before i start to stream," felix smiled and sat on the edge of seungmins bed.

"ugh...what time are you streaming at?" seungmin looked at his wide awake friend who just seemed to melt, looking at him in the eye.

felix sighed, it probably was finishing the latest archon quests in genshin impact, "probably 10, i assuming we can go out to eat at your bookstore right?"

"jae...will kill me lix," seungmin did a lopsided smile.

"hm...i'll grab a snack at the seven eleven next door! just tell don't tell jae," felix had a grin that just made seungmin smile as well.

"sure i won't tell," a small laugh left seungmins mouth as felix moved off his bed so seungmin could go brush his teeth and wash his face.


seungmin held on the strap of his tote bag while listening to felix hum as they walked past the apartments and avoid puddles from the hard rain from last night.

"hey, clock in and i'm gonna get something to eat, do you want anything?" felix looked back at seungmin who just shook his head as he walked into the bookstore.

"good morning jae, sorry i'm late," seungmin waved and set down his bag.

"no worries, everyone else was here so i wasn't scared we wouldn't have enough employees," jae patted the back of seungmins shoulder.

seungmin closed the door and walked into the 'employees only' room. nothing much was there, only a refrigerator and a table with peoples belongings on it. wonpil sat there, across of the table.

"good...morning," seungmin says, glancing at the dozing off wonpil.

wonpil just raised a hand and it dropped back down. seungmin nodded and walked off to the bathroom. he quickly turned his phone on 'do not disturb' and turned off his phone and walked out the bathroom, he doesn't even know why he bothers to turn it on 'do not disturb' no ones messaging him anyway.

"seungmin! can you take the counter for me?" lia shouts as she runs past him.

"uh... sure," seungmin opens the door to see a small line. he took a deep breath, god...damn lia.

jae was at the counter with a huge line of people. it was the time when everyone was buying big textbooks and studying while our baristas worked left to right with no breaks. i move to the open cash register and quickly raise my hand.

"i'm open over here!" a couple of people move to my side as i check their books out, some small talk, but nevertheless a quick smile, and they're off.

seungmin walked off into the void of books and people working, and he runs a finger along the backs of the books as he meets the back of the bookstore, it has a ton of pictures and posters, he had to tidy it up a bit.

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