706 26 14

seungmin locked his door, hearing felix yell at the door as it slammed.

he checked his charging phone on the nightstand.

5 new unread messages from yang jeongin.

seungmin slammed his phone back on the table, he sat in his chair and started to do homework.

seungmin put on his headphones, to not be bothered by felix and his antics.

seungmins phone buzzed the table, once, twice, and...thrice.

he angrily picked it up as it ruined his train of thought. it was all jeongins fault. he pushed his headphones to the side, hitting the call button.

"i'm outside your door!!" jeongin from the phone.

"why?" seungmin replied, keeping the phone a distance away from his ear.

seungmin walked out, unlocking his door first and saw felix's annoyed face as he passed by arrogantly.

"i-" a echo appeared as seungmin lazily opened the door.

"welcome...to-" seungmin blinked slowly until jeongin shouted, "how come your not a work today?!? i know you're busy with school but at least drop by and say hi."

"oh." seungmin closed the door in jeongins face, he slowly opened it again worriedly, "sorry- i have an essay to write, its due next week, i have to get it done, just...i'll be around with hyunjin." seungmin reassured jeongin.

"no you won't!!"

"hey, hey stop making a fuss in front of my door and make false claims about me, okay?" seungmin peeked his head out even more.

"listen... well okay, fine," jeongin took a deep breath, "just, be there."

"i will, i will, thanks, okay bye!" seungmin slammed the door again.

"jeongin?" felix asks holding a plate of breakfast.

"yeah..." seungmin walks over to the kitchen. changbin sat there busy on his phones probably due to him having a packed schedule as a model.

"seungmin, chan says your seeing someone" changbin asks nonchalantly.

"huh? maybe, i have to pay attention to school nowadays." seungmin takes some food off the stove to eat.

"yeah...like i've seen you do that." changbin walks up and sets his plate in the sink.

"listen here, dad, i work hard to keep my GPA higher than a 3.0, thank you very much." seungmin sat down exactly where changbin just sat.

"oh yeah? i work very hard to make this a home, now i gotta go, i'm a millisecond late." changbin left taking his car keys.

"whatever!!" seungmin laughed before taking a spoonful of food.


seungmins phone rang again. assuming it was jeongin, he ignored it. he needed this assignment finished by tomorrow.

his phone buzzed right off of the edge of the table, seungmin sighed, picking up the phone.

"hello." seungmin squished the phone in between his ear and his shoulder, looking like an old lady.

"seungmin!!" jeongin shouts again into the phone again.

seungmin almost dropped his phone, he took it out of the place it was, "what?"

"nothing, just hurry up!!! it's 7pm, y'know i should just go over to your house at this point."

"no, please don't i need to finish this one thing, i swear it's almost done just, stop calling me!!!"

seungmin hung up.

jeongin sent a sad face in their chat... slowly spamming it.


seungmin shut his laptop. he stretched and pushed back his chair.

"lix, i'm going out to go see Jeongin, could you leave me some dinner?" seungmin drops by the kitchen where changbin is back and still on his phone.

"sure!! just come back early than usual, changbin will kill you." felix nodded and put out a separate plate for seungmin.

"thanks, bye mom! bye...dad." seungmin closed the front door.

he breathed in the cool fall air as he tilted side to side through people on his skateboard.

he finally made it to the empty skate park, seeing jeongin sitting on his skate board.

"hey," seungmin walked over, softly ruffling jeongins hair.

"hey, hi..." jeongin looks directly up at seungmin, who seems like he's looming over him.

seungmin sat down next to jeongin, inhaling the air, sighing heavily.

"did you finish your assignment?" jeongin asks cautiously.

"no." seungmin grinned at jeongin.

"huh? wait-" jeongins hand was coming up to cover his mouth.

"i'm just joking jeez." seungmin elbowed jeongin.

"i'm gonna start to hate you if you joke one more time." jeongin locked eyes with seungmin.

"why? it's just a lil jokey joke-" 

"shut up!!" jeongin laughed pushing seungmin over.


"huh? c'mon i know you don't have that much homework seungmin, why can't you just...come over?" jeongin whined, shaking seungmin.

"look- i'd-"

"i'm not hearing you out, one missing assignment is nothing, seungmin, live a little." jeongin slumped.

"i'd love to." seungmin coldly finishes his sentence.

"i want to spend more time with you!! okay? i don't want to sound like the bad guy here, but it's just an assignment seungmin-"

"jeongin, an assignment to me is like an offering to go to my top 3 colleges or universities. it's different for you." 

"why are you making it sound like we're arguing? seungmin-"

"i'm leaving, if this was the whole point, just to nag me about meeting up, i don't want to meet up." seungmin stands up, jeongin yanked him back down lower.

"it's not like that seungmin." jeongin pulls the back of seungmins head, pressing a quick peck on the lips.

seungmin pulled away hesitantly, "you've got the wrong idea," 

he wiped off his lips, "yang jeongin."

[A/N: IM SO SORRY HAHAHAHA this took so long for it to be published i had to cram for a test and i had to read, my week is always so busy, but anyways, enjoy the tension for the couple rest of the chapters, BYE(edit: i should of proof read this LMAO)]

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