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seungmin was back at school, everyone crowded him with questions...also physically.

"where have you been!" "you have so many missing assignments!" "i've missed you!!" "were you actually sick??" 

jeongin stood in the crowd, staring down at his phone, but seungmin was staring directly at him.

one of jeongins friends turn him around and they left the class room. seungmins eyes followed them out, he sighed.

"i'm fine guys, thanks for the concern." seungmin waved off all the people around him.

why is he so disappointed? he should just skipped again today, it wasn't even worth it.

"seungmin, welcome back, here's the work you missed, one is due today, but your excused." his teacher dropped a fat stack of worksheets, assignments and blank pieces of paper for notes.

he slumped in his chair, it was most definitely a bad idea coming back, shit he shouldn't be thinking about not...attending college? he has to work back to get on the same path he was before, clean and shiny.


jeongin sat in his room with his other members from student council, they all turn their heads to look at seungmin who's standing in the doorframe.

"oooh, look who it is!!" 

jeongin scoffed at his friends, he got up from his seat, and seungmin walked out as jeongin was close enough.


seungmin dragged jeongin all the way to the skate park, it was golden hour a couple of people were there hanging out but minding their own business.

"so-" they both say at the same time.

"sorry- go..." they again say at the same time.

"stop it." jeongin mutters.

"what am i doing?" seungmin sighs.

"i just want to say...i love you, okay?" jeongin curled up into a ball, hugging his knees to his chest, "i really do, i just don't want to tell you that i was blinded by love..."

"knew th-" 

"can't you listen! let me finish." jeongin huffed, "i wanted you to listen to me before you left, and we wouldn't be here...uh-" jeongin sees seungmin sniffling wiping away his tears quickly.

"are you crying?" jeongin turns his body to him.

"of course- yes! yes...i am, so- so what if i am crying...i-" his voice was shaky, but sincere.

jeongin couldn't help but also tear up.

"stop it! you haven't...even listened..." jeongin cried even more harder.

they both stop, wiping away their tears, sharp inhales and exhales to relax them.

"...seungmin go on." jeongin mutters his face burrowed in his arms.

"your an absolute dickhead." he pauses, "but maybe if you weren't such an naïve idiot i would have told you...i like you too." 

jeongin hit seungmin in the back of the head, "tell me you love me."

"i love you jeongin...yeah."

"so-" jeongins face was twisted, it looked like he tried to hold back tears.

"you can...uh cry now." seungmin glanced at him.

he automatically poured his eyes out, drops of tears fell to the concrete floor, seungmin had a sad frown, he pulled jeongin closer in for a hug.

jeongin didn't hesitate to rest his head on seungmins comforting shoulder, as he cries even more into seungmins arm.

something felt finally complete. maybe not all the drama that was included but...it definitely cleaned up some missing links these two had.

"jeongin, jeongin," seungmin called, cupping his face, "look at me, please look at me."

he raised his face.

eyelashes dewy and nose runny, seungmin chuckled.

"can i kiss you?" seungmin asks, brushing his thumb on jeongins lips.

jeongins posture relaxed, he smiled half heartedly, "sure." 

seungmin leaned in to kiss him. a long sweet kiss. 

tears still pooled in jeongins eyes, seungmin didn't think twice to kiss the inner corner of jeongins eyes, and wipe off the ends of his eye.

"quit crying." seungmin continued to kiss jeongins face, placing pecks by his neck and jawline.

"stop- stop it, stop kissing me" jeongin pushed seungmins face away.

"are you that ticklish?" seungmin laughed.

"no..." jeongin locked eyes, as he drifted to look down at seungmins lips. once again another warm embrace as they close the tight air between.

they both back out, sighing in satisfactory. 

"are you done crying? you're happy now right?" seungmin asks.

"yeah...one- one more question, are we...official, like seriously dating?" jeongin fiddles with his fingers.

"yes...yeah." seungmin pulled jeongin for one more kiss on his cheek.

"how long do you want to keep it a secret?" jeongin peers around seungmin to see if any of their friends are there spying.

"its fine, whenever you feel like it." seungmin shuffled to get up.

"a month from now...lets see how well we'll do." jeongin followed him.

"you have such low expectations of me!" seungmin smiled, hitting jeongin playfully.


-and only you.


[A/N: wsp HOWD YOU GUYS LIKE IT??? im writing a sequel where theyre in their actual twenties and CAN ACTUALLY drink so....(its a party and basically its jus a check up) MUAHAHAHA i felt so evil writing this im sorry i lied about it being angst its more like...problematic BUT i had a lot of fun writing this so, dw!! im not...writing any other actual books/chapters anytime soon, i'll be writing oneshots if ppl want me too or i feel like it, but yeah, uhhh thank you so much for reading! i love every single one of you guys (also crazy thanks to everyone who got this book practically to 800 reads!!!) well...bye! dont miss me too much, thank you everyone.] 

(btw if ur too bored go read @--lovejisu 's books! they have a seungin book rn...go hype it up for me pls)

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