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-tried to love someone like you

seungmin coughed, he was trying to get jeongins attention.

jeongin whipped his head around, lazily glaring at seungmin.

"what." jeongin stood up from the front desk.

"hi...student council." seungmin laughed a little.

"what?" jeongin walked closer to seungmin who stopped leaning on the door frame.

"nothing, stop being so..." seungmin squinted. "tense." 

"somethings wrong with you." jeongin flicked seungmin's forehead.

"nothings wrong, maybe a hit or two..." seungmin chuckled, earning jeongins priceless reaction.

"you're so weird," jeongin sighs, "what do you need."

"can you come along with me? i need someone to occupy me while i'm at the skate park of course." seungmin smiled.


"why not??" seungmin crosses his arms.

"well, first i'm not skipping my school time for you to drag me and skate, and two i'm not willing to deal with your bullshit this late in the day." jeongin scoffed.

"it's only 3, stop studying and come and have fun!" seungmin nudged jeongin in the arm.

"are you seriously high?" jeongin groaned, maybe he should go have fun.

"i told you!! one or two...i don't keep count." seungmin rubbed his eyes.

"stop rubbing your eyes, they're red already." jeongin pushed seungmin out and shut the door behind them, locking the door.

"really? wait- your going? yes! your so, so, so kind jeongin!" seungmin practically jumped into jeongins arms, enveloping him into a warm hug.

jeongin mentally flinched, "yeah, lets go." 


"look who i have!!" seungmin called, waving his arms in the air.

"it's seungmin! and jeongin?" jisung waved back, but his arm slowly fell down as he saw jeongin.

"i knew jeongin would fall for it." hyunjin snickered.

"you're so mean!!" jisung punched hyunjin in the arm who yelped.

"hey- that's jeongin?" chan just realized, running towards his baby.

they all could hear jeongin scream when chan squeezed the life out of him.

seungmin scurried next to minho and felix to get out of the conflict chan created.

"hey!-" jisung was about to speak before he slipped off his skate board crashing into hyunjin, who which failed to catch jisung.

everyone froze.

so did jisung, but...just faceplanted on the floor.

jisung got back up, nose bridge...broken, blood dripped down his nose.

"ah! jisungie!!!" hyunjin screamed, using his white shirt to wipe it away, making it even more worse.

seungmin deeply exhaled, taking jisungs head, grabbing a napkin from his pocket and shoving it up his nose.

"let's get him to the doctor..." minho muttered.

"really? i thought we should have brought him to the vet." hyunjin scoffed, hugging jisung.

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