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seungmin washed his face off, "yah, where were you last night?" changbin comes into the bathroom, leaning against the door frame.

"i was with hyunjin and jisung, why?" seungmin rubbed his face off with a towel.

"out so late?" changbin crosses his arms.

"sorry, dad, i'll be back around 12am" seungmin lathered some lotion on his hands, paying no attention to changbin.

"that's no difference. whatever felix was worried that you got kidnapped, just give us a message, at least." changbin sighed and left.

a message, huh?

seungmin finished his face routine and fell back onto his bed. he reached over for his phone. he quickly typed in 'yang jeongin'.

yang jeongin


is this seungmin? 

sent at 1:27am


oh, sorry wrong person then

wait im just kidding lol

ur so like hyunjin ugh😒

hru? are you working today? i thought we'd see each other

do you rlly want to see me???🤨

huh? well my shift is...later in the day, do you want to meet up?😗

can't, lix is making me stay at home🙂

c'mon he wouldnt do that 

changbin would

changbin? oh yeah he would, tbh this world of ours is so small

our world lmao?? ur so cute😉

omg sorry i didnt mean it like that but



im not even doing anything 




ur so mean seungmin




god damn it. 

seungmin sat back up, walking past felix and changbin.

"where are you going?" felix asks, turning his head towards seungmin.

"to work." seungmin jingles his keys and takes his skateboard and slams the front door.

he walked down the steps and hopped on his skateboard.


"seungmin! you're here!" chan waves.

"hi chan...where's minho?" seungmin smiled, setting his bookbag down on a table as he quickly clocked in.

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