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jeongin sighed, he just finished gaming with hyunjin and was about to end stream in a couple minutes.

until a knock intruded his train of thought.

"yangie?" seungmin peers his head in.

"oh, hey min, i'm almost done with streaming baby." jeongin set down his headset still facing his monitor.

jeongin glanced at all of the commentary streaming down the side of his panel.

"okay, dinners done..." seungmins arms wrapped around jeongins shoulders. seungmin sighed into jeongins hair. slowly kissing his scalp, a hand dragged up to jeongins chin, tilting his head up, to look seungmin in his eyes.

seungmin paused. he saw jeongin lightly smile, seungmin couldn't bother to kiss his lips deeply and roughly. although they were at different angles their lips fit perfectly into each other.

jeongin sighed loudly into the kiss just for seungmin to swallow it and make it disappear like nothing. jeongins hands rise to grip seungmins face and the ends of his hair.

seungmin backed away, breathing unsteadily. jeongin just laughed. turning around in his seat he captured seungmins face to kiss him one more time.

"hah...jeongin come out to eat once you finished okay?" seungmin slid out the door.

jeongin scrambled to turn his screen back on to dismiss his fans.

"sorry!!" he smiled lopsided, "my boyfriend came by."

the comments spammed fast, they all were screaming and excitedly talking.

jeongin looked at himself in the camera, noticing there was a shiny trail near his lips and a red mark under it.

"anyways, guys, goodnight, good morning or good afternoon, i'll see you guys later??" jeongin tried his best to end quickly.

once he finally did and double-checked, he sprinted out to go eat with seungmin.

"sorry, i should have told you i streamed for a long time." jeongin plastered kisses all over seungmins face.

"its fine, sit down hurry up." seungmin chuckled, pushing him away.

"okay, okay."

jeongin eagerly sat down, running his hands through his dark blue hair. he thanked seungmin for cooking and ate right away.


seungmin sighed, "jeongin, i love you."

"do you?" jeongin played hard to get, it was his favorite thing.

"i do!!" seungmin stated, slightly pouting.

"show me." jeongin tapped his lips and closed his eyes.

seungmin held back his laugh, he just brushed jeongins midway-ear hair out of his face.

while pushing his hair back, seungmin leaned in, his hand falling down to his neck gripping it softly.

seungmin did leaned in, involuntarily though. jeongin opened his eyes, hooded almost and pulled seungmin by the shirt, clashing into each other, seungmin gasped, gripping tighter to jeongins neck and found his hands on jeongins waist, he traveled it up underneath his shirt.

jeongin exclaimed, backing away, and wiping his bottom lip, "hyung..." jeongin suddenly said, catching seungmins attention.

"i love you..." seungmin ruffled jeongins hair, and he left to go lay in bed.

jeongin angrily stomped into the room in defeat, he laid next to seungmin, and seungmin quickly sat up, and jeongin followed.

jeongin was near the edge, assuming he had enough space to throw seungmin over and kiss him from there.

jeongin did exactly what he did, entangled his fingers into seungmins hair, pressing his lips softly against seungmins.

jeongin backed away, still with hunger in his eyes. jeongin stuck out his thumb against seungmins lips.

seungmins cheekbones were dusted pink, and his eyes blurred with lust. seungmin obediently opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue.

jeongin on second thought took away his hand, and rolled next to seungmin with their feet dangling over the bed.

"i really, really, love you yang jeongin." seungmin rolled over to stick his nose in the crook of jeongins neck.

"i do too." jeongin mumbled.

"no you don't, say you love me." seungmin looked at him in the eyes.

"i. love. you. kim. seungmin." jeongin poked seungmins cheek.

"okay, okay." seungmin hid his head again away in his safe spot, jeongin.

"i'm tired, you tire me seungmin." jeongin rested his chin on his head.

"sorry." he murmured from under.



[A/N: HIII DID YOU MISS ME??? HAHAH i was being yelled at during this, and yes i did accidently publish this LMAO im so sorry also im sorry for writing this, but no proof reading!!! sorry for the inconvenience, love u!!!]

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