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jeongin drags his body across his bed to reach his nightstand.


he answered,


"jeongin! where's seungmin? don't tell me you lost him, he said he'd come and hang out with us tonight."

"without me?"

"fuck off! this is bigger, we didn't see him yesterday too, felix said he didn't see him either, and he lives with him!"

"uhh dude i just woke up, could i call you later?" 

"no!! this is important, your boyfriend is on the line."

"he's not...huh?"

"right, just call him, please?"

"fine, your paying me 10 bucks."

"why??? just...just call him!"

jeongin hanged up, calling seungmin.

seungmin picked up,

"hey!! what's up innie?" 

"huh? is this seungmin?"

he was taken aback with the cute nickname.

"yeah? is this not jeongin?"

"this is jeongin."

"good, i'm assuming hyunjin asked you to call me?"


"i'm here with them, they're just playing with you...hey uh, could we talk about stuff later today?"

"wh- why?"

"are you blushing!! it sounds like it."

seungmins laugh echoes through jeongins room.

"no-!! i'm not...seriously stop it."

"alright, i'll call you later, okay? bye!"



seriously? jeongin inhaled sharply.


seungmin waved bye to his friends, he caught up with jeongin.

"you wanted to talk?" jeongin says, peering at seungmin from the side.

"yeah...uhm, its about us."

"what about us?" jeongin cocked his head.

"could we talk in your...'office', please?" 

"uh...for sure." 

jeongin had chills go through his body, was he giddy? or...nervous.


"listen, jeongin, i don't know what we are right now." seungmin admits.

"straight to the point...huh?" jeongin set down his water bottle.

"i'm sorry, i just want to get this off my chest," he swallowed, "i...was high or possibly...intoxicated when calling you."

jeongins heart sank to his feet.

"what?" he blurts out.

"i'm sorry i-"

seungmin raised his hands, jeongin stopped them in the air. jeongin closed the door, backing seungmin up.

"what...was that...all of your plan? to mess with my friends and my feelings? calling me in the middle of the night to- to...tell me you love me?!" jeongin snapped, seungmin felt overwhelmed.

he didn't even realize the fact that jeongins nose was touching his, and his hand was stuck up above his head, pinned against the door.

"listen- your the reason i avoided, you! you wouldn't stop- stop making such a fuss about me hanging out with...our, our friends." seungmin looked away shamefully.

jeongin let go of seungmins hand.

"so? i felt left out. i can't express my feelings i-"

seungmin slapped jeongin across the face.

"you don't understand! you've gaslighted me to thinking i shouldn't even hang out with 'your' friends, your too damn possessive i-! i can't have anything nice, yang jeongin."

it was cold, brutal...

but true.

jeongin held onto his face, still shocked.


"i-..." tears dropped slowly out of seungmins eyes.

"why- why are you crying?" jeongin tried to rush over to grab seungmin into a hug, but...seungmin stormed out the door.

jeongin, left staring at the bright, evening light window.


[A/N: this isnt the end yall ima give you this, AND POST ANOTHER RIGHT AFTER MUAHAHAHAHAH hopefully u guys the suspense hehehohohoh ANYWAYS merry christmas(eve or whateva), or happy holidays! to everyone, thanks for reading.]

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