637 22 19

-i think i never

seungmin woke up, sweat dripping off his back.

felix knocked on his door, soon opening it, "hey, it's 12, i'm assuming your sick, honestly stop going out so late, it's not good for you." felix walked in, putting a cold hand over seungmins burning forehead.

"yeah- yeah..." seungmin felt relieved by the cool hand.

"take a shower, i have rice porridge on the stove, changbin's gone already, chan and minho are picking you up around 2, because i'm streaming, sorry i didn't want you to bother me during the stream."

seungmin just nodded, the information going through one ear and out the other.

felix? not wanting him to be around to take care of him? who's seungmin suppose to trust at this point?

"well- i gotta start to stream, the medicine is in the cupboard." felix leaves closing the door behind him.

seungmin threw the blanket to the side and walked to his bathroom, turning on the light switch. he stared at himself blankly into the mirror. he heaved and turned on the shower, grabbing his towel and putting toothpaste on his toothbrush. steam filled the vacant air. seungmin comfortably took off his shirt and sat in the steam for a bit, soaking it up. it felt nice to clear his nose.

he got up. he should take a shower now.


he grabbed a bowl of porridge that felix left for him, and made tea while enjoying the warmth of the bowl.

felix dropped by to check up on him, "did you take your medicine?" he already was rummaging through the cabinet.

"no..." seungmin took a mouthful and ate the burning hot porridge.

"here, i'll leave it, right here, i'm gonna start stream, peep your head in and tell me when chan and minho are here to pick you up." felix left, going back into his room.

seungmin poured the medicine and took it like it was an soju shot, no pain no gain, he laughed a little at that thought.

he finished up his tea and porridge and put them in the sink, he put on his socks and charged his phone until he heard their doorbell ring.

he went to open the door, "hi!!"

"you don't sound sick..." minho mentions, taking off his shoes.

"and you don't look sick, what did felix want from us again?" chan does the same thing as minho, and they walk in.

"i have a cold that's it." seungmin hurriedly went to knock and open felix's door.

"and- oh, what is it? are they here?" felix turned around in his chair to look at seungmin, he walked in fully, so everyone could see him.

"guys this is my room mate!" felix shows seungmin off like a work of art, a roll of comments spammed the left side of the layout.

"hi, okay, i gotta go, i'll see you later." seungmin waved.


seungmin sat on the opposing side of the table, eating a piece of bread quietly while typing as chan is taking orders.

minho sat across him in the booth, "i heard jeongin's upset."

"that was just last night? how'd you hear?" seungmin's head perks up.

"oh you know...a little someone called, hwang hyunjin." minho crosses his legs.

"seriously?" seungmin's eyebrows relax, they drop back down, along with his eyes, they avert back to his laptop.

"hey! no congratulation? i had to put the pieces together." minho kicks seungmin under the table.

"ow! i'd rather not after you kicked me." seungmin closed his laptop.

"what'd you guys argue about? sorry i'm a bit nosy." minho takes a sip of his coffee.

"he kissed me." seungmin shut his eyes, they were dry.

"what." minho set down his coffee, almost spilling it.

"yeah...basically, he just wanted to see me all the time, but i never had time." seungmin rested his head in his hand.

"really? i get you have school...gosh jeongin's weird." minho thought about it, he just shook his head.

"that's what i'm saying!" the door chimed, seungmins eyes unconditionally look at the door.


"hi chan, i'm off my shift i-" jeongin glances over at seungmin.

seungmin snapped his head back, covering his head with the hood of his grey sweater. minho judged seungmin and waved at jeongin.

"what?" chan says, seungmin removes his hood as he 'sneakily' eavesdropping.

"nothing, i'll go hang out with hyunjin and jisung in the back, they aren't vaping...are they?" jeongin asks.

"no they are, what'd you think?" chan laughed, but it was short lived, "sure, just go ahead."

"what..." seungmin slammed his head onto the table, surprising minho.

"blushing? yeah...yeah!!!" minho gasped, "haters to...lovers?!?" minho clasped seungmins hands.

"no! no...i'm just..." seungmin raised his head, "i'm just a bit flabbergasted."

"you really, really are flabbergasted." minho cackled, seungmin slapped him from the across the table.

"shut up..." seungmin mumbled.


by the end of the day, seungmin's cold was half gone.

"changbin, i'm so tired..." seungmin laid sprawled out on changbin's parents couch.

"whatever..." changbin says poking him to make space so he could lay down.

"how was your shoot?" felix comes by with changbin's sister.

"it was good." changbin putting his elbow in seungmins face

"hey...-" felix opened his mouth.

"don't talk about jeongin." seungmin interrupts.

"well...i wasn't, what happen?" felix glanced at seungmin to see how his body language immediately changed.

"not- nothing." seungmin sits up straighter, trying not to look at changbin's side eye.

"it's fine, i'll find out." changbin shrugged.

"please don't." seungmin rolled his eyes.

"okay, chill...i won't."


"you've been on my nerves seungmin!!" changbin points out the obvious while he drives felix and seungmin back home.

"i'm sorry! i don't do it on purpose, jeez..." seungmin sighed, pinching his nose bridge.

"it definitely has to deal with jeongin, i'm concerned seungmin..." felix mumbles.

"it's fine mom, and no i'm not going through puberty, i've already gone through it, so...discussion, closed." seungmin shook his head.

"really? because it seems like you still are going through it." felix looked back at seungmin from the front of the car.

"shut up!! you can just go ask minho don't bother me anymore..."

"yup...he is one hundred percent going through puberty." changbin laughs.

[A/N: sorry .....this kinda fell off  I SWEAR ILL GO BACK TO THE PLOT i promise i just needed build up just ...just u wait, OKAY BYEEEE (also when seungmin met eyes with jeongin that happens all the time with my crush and i just fyi to show off how y/n i am /j also i have a full 780 smt words dedicated to him!!! hahah he still doesnt fucking like me back)]

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