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seungmin laughed at jeongin who sat next to him on the edge while hyunjin and jisung lay on their backs in the middle of the bowl staring at the stars.

seungmin swung his head around to smile at jeongin, "you should give me your number." 

jeongins eyes widen and his lips squish up together, "oh- s-sure! for sure!" jeongin takes seungmins phone and he gives him his phone.

"i like your wallpaper," jeongin comments as he turned off seungmins phone. 

seungmins wallpaper was hyunjin, jisung, felix and him in front of a mirror with glasses on.

"thanks...it was ages ago though..." seungmin takes back his phone, putting it in his pocket.

"really??? i probably was too busy with school." jeongin leans back on his arms.

seungmin simply just nodded.

hyunjin got up, "yah!! innie, its past your bedtime...plus i think i need to stream later, anyways!! go do your homework!" 

"huh? what is he talking about?" seungmin glances at jeongin.

"nothing...i just have a ton of homework, i always get it done anyways." jeongin shrugs.

"seriously? what are you majoring in?" seungmin seems more fond of jeongin, its only been a day and a night, what's got seungmin lost in the hands of yang jeongin?

"uh...oh." he took a sharp inhale, "i'd rather not tell you." he laughed a little looking at his feet.

"sorry! its my bad, i didn't mean to..." seungmin sat back, realizing whatever he's doing.

"what's wrong?" jeongin looks at seungmin.

"noth- ing." seungmin swallowed, he's too...


"seungmin?! yah!" hyunjin yelled, still on his back.

seungmin looked down his track of thoughts shattered. he waved at hyunjin, "what?"

"nothing, you look cute, xoxo!" jisung replied, scrolling on his phone.

"thanks." seungmin glared back at them. he took a deep breath in. 

"...are you okay?" jeongin had a pitiful look on his face. 

"what? oh- i'm completely fine... sorry, i"m just really tired." seungmin covered his flushed face by shaking his hands violently in front of his face. he was rambling.

"pfft- your kinda cute seungmin." jeongin laughed, he faked, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

seungmins hands drop.


jeongin freezes along with seungmin, "oh, sorry! maybe i'm just a bit judgmental. your fruity...are you?" 

"jeongin, when did i say someone in our friend group is not gay? of course seungmin likes guys." hyunjin scoffs.

"no?? seungmin literally had a girl over twice!" jisung whined, "he literally shoved felix out of the house."

"look- i had an opportunity." seungmin bit back.

"for what? free hea-"

"jisung- shut up he's a child..." hyunjin scowled.

"no- may- no." seungmin hesitated... maybe he shouldn't share.

"oh." jisung sat up.

"no! no, we didn't." seungmin shook his head vigorously, "how'd we even get to this topic?"

"that's...my fault." jeongin surrenders.

"oh, okay, uhm- i'm pretty sure changbin is over tonight, i should greet him." seungmin stands up, making jeongin realize he's taller than he thought he was.

"changbin?? wait, can we come over?" jisung is standing up now, pulling up his sagging pants from laying down so much.

"probably not... felix is streaming." seungmin shrugs, what else was he supposed to say?

"that's his part-time job, you bozo." hyunjin yawns and stands up along with jisung.

"no, really?" seungmin scoffs.

"bye, go to sleep seungmin, you're always cranky in the morning." hyunjin shallowly responded.

"fine, see you guys in the morning..." seungmin paused in his steps, "bye jeongin, i'll- drop by around lunch." 

"huh? oh, bye! get lots of sleep!" jeongin waves and smiles.

seungmin didn't miss a beat and smiled back at jeongin and a small wave as well.

seungmin set down his skateboard and pushed off.

jisung and hyunjin waited for him to leave...

"jeongin! jeongin!! you literally hit jackpot!! seungmin is the most bree-" jisung started to go on about seungmin until hyunjin shut him up to talk instead.

"listen, do not mess up." that's all hyunjin said.

simple, right?


[A/N: im so sorry its...so SHORT 😭😭😭 i want to write shorter chapters but thats so mean of me </3 but i lov cliff hangers so get a chapter and then a cliffhanger OK bye im gonna write the next chap.]

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