Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since that night and I've gotten way better at controlling my urges, my- my needs... No i haven't killed or drunk anyone's blood yet, i don't think I'm ready for that. Paul tries to get me to; he wants me to be strong. Paul and i are really close now. Star told me how he imprinted on me, just like how David did on her. I don't love Paul, not yet anyways. I care about him but i don't know where this big 'connection' he thinks is between us has come from. It's the same thing all the time.

Sleep all day. Go to the boardwalk and party all night.

Not that I'm complaining, i mean it's great. I just miss those human things like feeling the sun on my skin without being irritated, eating proper food. I will have to give those things up altogether when i become a full vampire like Paul wants me to be. I must say though, my confidence and looks have improved entirely since becoming like this.

I got up from my bed, grabbing my usual clothes and putting them on throwing my leather jacket over it. Paul's never next to me when i wake up, he sleeps in a dark and hollow part of the cave with the rest of the boys because zero sunlight can reach in there. I always wake up earlier than Star and Laddie because i was turned recently and still had more human in me than they did, I wasn't as weak as them yet. I'm waiting for one of them to crack soon; i don't know how they've held out for so long. I walk to the mouth of the cave with my sun glasses on and stand in the last 10 minutes of sun. The boys will be up soon.

''It's nice isn't it?'' I heard Star ask from behind me, standing in the dark.

''Yeah it is, I'm going to miss it'' I sighed as the sun completely vanished over the ocean leaving the night in its place.

''How long until you're going to feed?''

''I don't know... Just a little bit longer, i just can't right now'' I told her.

I heard cheering coming from the boys and i turned around to see Star's comforting smile, the boys came out of the hole and David was the first to speak.

''I'm starving let's get out of here''


People passed, smelling amazing as i walked. I was walking alone past different stores while Star and Laddie were at a rock concert. That's when i saw him. A boy my age dressed in strange clothing but it was cute how stylish he thought he was, he has curly blonde hair and a dorky smile. He was walking alone also and he walked into a lame comic book store. I quickened my pace and people moved out of my way as i did so. I slowed myself and casually walked into the store acting natural but also keeping my eye out for that strange boy. I saw him standing beside boxes of comics talking to two boys that must have worked here. I went and started looking through the comic books trying to look like I'm not stalking this boy, which i guess i am. I don't know why I'm so intrigued in him; i mean I've only had glances of him. Besides he's human, I'm not. He has a normal life ahead of him, i don't. I was about to leave when i dropped a comic and was about to pick it up until someone did it for me. I stood up straight to face someone with bluey green eyes.

''You dropped this'' He handed me the comic and i put it back on the shelf.

''Thanks, I'm Lexi'' I said with a lot more flirtation in my voice than i intended. He smiled and held out his hand.

''I'm Sam, nice too meet you'' I shook his hand. ''So what's a girl like you walking all alone?''

''What do you mean a girl like me?'' I smirked.

''Pretty and popular. Those sort of people don't walk all by themselves, where are your friends?'' I laughed.

''Oh you know, around. I'm here with my sister actually, she's at that concert and i should probably get back to her'' I said sister as in Star. What am i doing? I shouldn't have gone after this guy, why am i even flirting with him? i have Paul, i kept telling myself.

''My brother is at that concert too, walk with me there?'' I smiled and we started walking in time together.

''Do you go to school here or are you on a holiday?'' He asked me.

''I live here with my sister and our friends, i don't go to school anymore"

''What happened to your parents?''

''I ran away from home, my friend helped me get out of a bad situation and I'm glad I'm gone. But enough of my sad story'' Sam listened to what i had to say. ''What about you? Do you live here or are you a tourist''

''I live here now, but i moved here today so i guess you could call me a tourist'' He laughed and i joined in. When he smiled or laughed he had these beautiful dimples in his cheeks. He was so kind and happy; Paul was a rebellious trouble maker. Granted that Paul eats humans to live but still he could be a bit more kind to people. We were getting close to the big crowd of people who were cheering on the artist playing on stage.

''Where's your brother?'' I asked him as I stopped, not wanting to get caught in the mosh of people.

''In the middle somewhere, I can tell you don't like big crowds so do you want me to stay with you until you find your sister?''

''No its okay she's over there anyways'' I pointed to star who was walking up a hill with Laddie to get a better look at the stage. ''I can help you find your brother if you want?''

''Nah go with your sister, I'm fine'' He gave me a friendly smile before he started walking away. ''It was nice meeting you Lexi'' he looked back at me as he called out and entered the crowd.

''Bye Sam'' He smiled and turned, I watched that strange boy disappear in the crowd.

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