Chapter 5

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I ran to catch up with Star and Laddie with people moving out of my way and boys checking me out as I jogged past. Finally I caught up and she grabbed my hand holding Laddies hand also as we fast walked to go up the bleachers further to get a better look at the stage. We danced to the music while Laddie stared at the man on stage in purple pants curiously; I laughed and smiled having a great time. Meeting that guy Sam really made my night, it made me feel like a normal girl again. I looked over the crowd and speaking of the strange boy there he was. Standing next to a boy with black hair who I'm assuming is his brother; his brother was staring at Star not averting his gaze once. Star noticed the guy staring and continued dancing like she didn't see anything, she looked back at him a couple more times before leaning over too me.

''Is it just me or is that guy staring right at us?'' She said loud enough for me to hear.

''He's not staring at us, he's staring at you'' I laughed. ''Looks like you have a not so secret admirer'' She laughed and continued to dance.

When Sam saw me he gave me a dorky smile waving, I waved back casually trying not too blush. He looked at his brother staring at Star and laughed as he tried pushing his brother's face to look back at the stage but he wouldn't stop looking at her. People were head banging in the crowd and i just went back too listening to the music. I just turned back to Star as she quickly left going in the opposite direction of the stage with Laddie close on her heels and me running after her. She slowed after she got away from the crowd and I caught up too them.

"You were in a rush to get out of there" I smirked.

"Had to make sure he didn't follow us" She put her arm around Laddie.

"You liked the attention; I could tell you thought he was cute"

"I was until I remembered my inevitable fate that I'm soon going to die or be a blood sucking monster. Bet he wouldn't be so interested in me when he found that out" She laughed softly to herself.

"I know what you mean... That boy he was with, his name is Sam. I met him earlier and i don't know he's sweet I guess but you're right. Things are different now that we are what they made us" We were both quiet for a while.

"Cheer up, there's nothing we can do about it now" She tried to lighten the mood.

"We should probably get back to the boys" We changed our direction and headed to where the bikes were parked in silence just enjoying the presence of the happy people around us. I was holding Laddies hand in mine. When we got there the boys were already on their bikes. Laddie let go of my hand and got onto Dwayne's bike like usual and Star who was ahead of me got onto David's bike unhappy as always but David didn't care. I kissed Paul as I got onto his bike and heard the motors roar, feeling bad that I had such an attraction to someone else. I was talking to Laddie waiting for David to leave and the boys follow when I saw Sam and his brother standing a few feet away from us looking at Star with David. He looked so disappointed and I almost felt bad for him, I looked at Sam making eye contact and he just smiled giving me a wink before walking away with his brother. Thankfully Paul was too busy with Marco to see it or he just didn't care. We drove off and I looked back to see Star still looking at Sam's brother, she was so into him.


"Star come here" David ordered Star and she did as she was told, She followed him outside and I made a mental reminder to ask her what they were talking about. I checked the silver watch I stole from the boardwalk a couple days ago. 5:00am. Another hour until the boys are going to bed, I looked at Laddie who was falling asleep and got up to put him in the bed he shares with Star.

"You will become one of us whether you like it or not!" I heard David's voice boom from outside before he stormed through the lobby and into the coffin.

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