Chapter 6

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After seeing Sam I walked around by myself for a while with a stupid grin on my face that he put there. I need to stop this; I can't get involved with him. I need to stop going to the comic store and I need to stop looking for him. I started thinking of Paul to get Sam of my mind. I like Paul, he's good to me and he saved me from my dad but I just don't think I can be what he wants me to be. I can't turn into one of those things, how can you be something you're terrified of? It was fun for the first couple of weeks but the more time goes on the more I get hungry and I know that I will need to do something terrible about it soon. Star was right that killing myself would be better than turning. I checked my time on my watch, 2:30am. The boys will want to go back to the cave soon. I turned on my heel and started my way back to the bikes.

"Watch it bitch" Some skanky girl said to me when I bumped into her for not getting out of my way. I rolled my eyes at her and kept walking, as I got closer to where we park the bikes I saw all the boys already there staring at something. I looked in the direction of where they were looking and saw Star flirting with Sam's brother, I smiled thinking of how happy she looks but that smile quickly faded when I saw David's jackass smirk. He's got something planned but I know Star wouldn't be in on it. Sam's brother Michael got onto his bike and before Star got the chance to hop on with him the boys drove over surrounding them. I walked over and sat on Paul's bike behind him and watched the drama that might unfold in front of me.

"Where are you going star?"

"For a ride, this is Michael" Star replied to David's question.

"Let's go" Michael said quietly grabbing onto Stars hand gently; Star went closer to Michael about to get on his bike.

"Star" David said in a warning tone, I can't believe he thinks he can just control her like that after he ruined her life by trying to turn her into a monster. Just because he's imprinted on her doesn't mean they're together; she should be free to do what she wants. If Paul ever tried to control me I would kick his ass into next week, he knows how stubborn I am.

Star stopped and looked at David. She looked back at Michael before doing as she was told and walking over to David's bike and mounting it, Marco and Paul laughed mocking him because Star 'chose' David over him which isn't a thing to cheer on about. Star chose David out of fear not love, she doesn't love David at all and she wants nothing to do with him and this life. Star told me how they turned her the same way they turned me, by leading us in with their looks and rebellion and making us feel special. The only difference is that I actually care deeply about my boyfriend Paul, Star hates David.

"You know where Hudson's bluff is overlooking the point?" David asked.

"I can't beat your bike"

"You don't need to beat me Michael just keep up" and with that they were off, I hung on to Paul's chest for dear life cheering and laughing. The fog soon enveloped us as we rode further from the beach, I felt the bouncing of the bike as it rode over gravel and could hear the waves as they crashed against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. We were getting closer to the edge of the cliff than usual. I was getting scared and tightening my grip on Paul.

"C'mon, c'mon Michael" I heard David call out to Michael trying to make him go faster. I couldn't see anything though because off the fog. I heard a yell and then someone hit the ground as Paul, Dwayne's and Marco stopped a few feet away from the cliffs edge. I was still getting off the bike as Paul went to pull away Michael after he hit David, I don't blame him, if David tried to run me off the cliff I would want to fight him too.

"How far are you willing to go Michael?" I heard David say as I walked over to them. Michael didn't say anything just followed David as he headed for the stairs to our cave, the others following them.

"That wasn't cool" I stated to Paul as we walked a little behind them.

"It's how things work around here, you'll soon get used to it" He took off his leather jacket pulling it over my shoulders and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You didn't try to kill me when you met me" He laughed at my comment.

"Because it was love at first sight, I needed you by my side. David wants Michael dead for thinking he can have his girl, it's obvious" My blood went cold, Michael can't die this way. Sam can't lose his brother and especially not by my family. We were almost to the bottom of the steps and everyone else had already gone inside, before I could reply about the whole Michael thing my stomach growled.

"You need to feed Lexi" Paul said almost straight away, I looked at the ground ashamed.

"I can't" He stopped us.

"Why not?" He asked clearly annoyed.

"I can't kill someone Paul. I can't take someone's life it's not right"

"I understand that but it's something we need to do, you're getting weak Lexi. Blood is something you need now and you're going to have to start feeding soon" I don't have too I thought to myself, I could die instead. I wouldn't dare say that out loud it would only make him upset. He grabbed my waist gently and held my face in one hand pulling me into him and kissing me deeply, it was nice at first until my mind wandered and I started thinking about Sam. I pulled away from Paul abruptly and turned to look at the sea holding my arms crossed totally disgusted in myself, Oh god I've gotten myself into a fucking love triangle between Paul and Sam.

"Did I do something?" Paul asked quietly, I turned and pulled him into my arms and just let him hold me.

"No you didn't do anything wrong I just-... I just have a lot going through my mind right now" I breathed in his chest and took in the smell of him.

"Fly with me" Paul said.

"What?" I asked looking at him shocked.

"Fly with me" he repeated again with a smirk.

"You can fly?" I asked. He walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped off. I gasped and ran to the railing looking down at the rocky water. He was nowhere to be seen and I didn't hear or see a splash.

"Up here" I heard Paul say from above me. I look up and there he was flying, no not flying he didn't have wings. More like floating, floating peacefully. He came over to me and held out his hands for me to take and I hesitated.

"Trust me" He said, so I did. I grabbed his hands in mine and stepped up on the railing before Paul pulled me into thin air. I pressed my face into his neck terrified to look down.

"This was a stupid idea, I hate heights" I said and Paul laughed.

"I won't let anything happen to you" I pulled my head off his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck as Paul wrapped his arms around my waist. We spun and danced through the air and over the ocean for a long time until I heard voices getting closer to the mouth of the cave. Paul flew us over and placed our feet on solid ground.

"I love you, just remember that" He said before giving me a small kiss and following the boys as they came out of the cave, heading to the bikes and I watched them drive away.

I have to make a choice between one of them soon. I can't get this pathetic attraction to Sam off my mind I have a petty crush on him I can't think away. My need to kill is getting stronger. Paul has imprinted on me and loves me so much but I'm scared to disappoint him, I want to love him but my view on love is shattered. Paul has been the only guy there for me in my life and I've only been with him 3 weeks. I need to make up my mind on where I want to be.

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