Chapter 7

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"What was that all about, I heard yelling?" I asked Star when I got inside; she sat on her bed staring at the fire.

"It wasn't yelling it was cheering, they turned him. I tried to stop it, make him not drink it but- he didn't believe me when I said it was blood" She turned to face me when I sat on the bed beside her.

"Why are you upset about this? Maybe now you and him can-" She cut me off.

"Be together? That will never happen, not with David around and what would be the point if we had to live like this" She motioned around the cave, she wasn't crying but she might be soon she's that upset. I pulled her into my arms trying to comfort her. I've only been here for a little over two weeks but it feels like much longer now, I've gotten so close to Star and it hurts to know she's so upset.

"I'm sorry that you have to be like this, you deserve much more than this''

''I'm getting so hungry'' She whimpered and i pulled away. She was pale, not because she was half immortal but because she looked sick. She had slight bags under her eyes and she felt so skinny and unhealthy in my arms. This was the first time in a while I've properly taken in the way she looks, if we don't find a way to turn her human again she will die because i know she will always refuse to take a mortals life. I pulled her down onto the bed next to me and held her while she pulled a sleeping laddie into her arms, holding him. Star is the closest thing I've had to a best friend even though I've known her for three weeks she's my sister, Laddie is the closest thing I've had to a little brother. I've never heard anyone say 'I love you' to me as much as Paul says it to me every day. These people are the closest thing I've ever had to family; they saved me from my abusive parents and gave me love and a home. So why do I want to leave them so badly? Why have I been wanting to go back to having a humans life which is filled with responsibilities and work, I have everything I'll ever need right here. So why do I feel so empty about leaving my human life behind me?

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