21 - Devil In The House.

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As the sun set, a dreaded feeling lingered in the air

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As the sun set, a dreaded feeling lingered in the air. The return of Diego from his conference in Italy loomed over the household, and there was no excitement to be felt. The anticipation of his arrival only amplified the underlying tension that had been brewing.

Meanwhile, the men in the house were gearing up for the war to come. They had been working tirelessly on their plans and training relentlessly for over a week and I knew they were prepared. I trusted them all with my life, but the helplessness I felt weighed heavily on my shoulders.

As I strolled aimlessly around the house, I was suddenly struck by the sound of rhythmic thuds echoing through the hallways. I couldn't resist my curiosity. I followed the noise, leading me to a gym room. The room was packed with equipment.

What I saw was enough to stop me in my tracks. Alessandro was shirtless, working up a sweat and hitting the punching bag with all his might. His muscles bulged with each powerful strike, and sweat glistened on his skin.

When he finally noticed me, he paused mid-swing, gazing at me with those dark, intense eyes of his. "It's not polite to stare," he taunted me with a smirk.

"I wasn't!" I tried to argue.

He raised an eyebrow, his expression indicating he knew better. I could feel myself turning beet red.

"Alright, fine, I was," I conceded defeat, feeling completely exposed.

It was difficult to tear my gaze away from him, the sight of his well-sculpted muscles and sweat-drenched dark hair, dripping sweat over his shoulders made my mind wander and my heart race.

Alessandro chuckled, a sound that rumbled through my body, as he strode closer to me. I knew how much he enjoyed making me squirm, but I refused to budge an inch. But then again, two could play at this game.

Extending his hand, he tenderly pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and softly caressed my cheek with the back of his hand, sending shivers down my spine. My body responded uncontrollably to his touch, overwhelming me.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled, giving him the satisfaction he sought. I inched closer, our faces only a few inches apart, intentionally breathing down his neck. I got even closer, barely an inch away, deliberately pressing my body against his bare chest.

"You smell," I whispered into his ear.

Before I could turn and leave the room, he grabbed my arm, twirling me back to face him, and I fell into his embrace. His intense eyes showed a flicker of the devil within, but little did he know, it was the devil I desired. Seeing the effect I had on him was a delightful experience for me. Shyness was not my forte, but he always knew how to make my cheeks blush. It was time I returned the favor.

His captivating hazel eyes pierced into my brown ones, conveying volumes without uttering a single word. "Kiss me." My eyes pleaded, begged even, but my lips refused to form the words, determined to hold onto my ego.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵Where stories live. Discover now