20 - Made Men.

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I'd been tossing and turning in bed for nearly an hour, unable to catch any sleep

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I'd been tossing and turning in bed for nearly an hour, unable to catch any sleep. Whenever my eyes closed, vivid images of the lifeless bodies of the men I had shot invaded my mind. These haunting visions were drenched in blood, stirring up an overwhelming sense of guilt within me. I knew I had taken a life, maybe even two. Part of me justified it as a necessary survival instinct, while another part screamed "killer" at every opportunity. It was a bitter truth to swallow, but perhaps it was the price I had to pay for staying alive in this fucked up world.

In a last-ditch effort to distract myself, I grabbed a book and settled against the headboard. Suddenly, the door creaked open and in sauntered Alessandro, his eyes scanning the room before settling on me.

"You're up," he stated, his eyes soft with understanding.

"I couldn't sleep," I admitted, a rush of relief washing over me seeing him here.

He crawled onto the bed and nestled his head in my lap. I welcomed the comfort of his presence, letting my fingers thread through his silky hair, somehow this felt calming.

As my fingers danced over his scalp, massaging away the worries, his stiffened body began to relax, and the lines of stress slowly smoothed from his shoulders. Gazing down at him, my eyes roamed over his face, probing for signs of turmoil. Breaking the silence, I asked in a low voice, "Alessandro, are you doing okay?"

"I am," he answered, his eyelids fluttering shut in relief. "Now I am."


Waking up to the feeling of solid muscles against my cheek, my mind buzzed with confusion and drowsiness. Where was I? Then, shifting my gaze upward, my heart seemed to skip a beat. I was greeted with the sight of an astoundingly attractive man, his piercing eyes melting my confusion away. Alessandro.

"Good morning." His soft whisper broke through my foggy thoughts, before he pressed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Morning," I murmured back, trying to fight the sleepiness that still lingered.

"I need to go change. I'll catch you downstairs," he said before swiftly exiting the room, leaving a faint trail of his cologne behind.

Left alone, I relished in the memories of the previous night. There were no overly passionate exchanges, no intense physical moments; instead, it was his mere presence and the embrace he offered. Curling up into his warmth, feeling protected in his hold was more than enough to quell my fears and insecurities. I found solace and safety in his arms like I had never before.

Rising from the bed, I decided to dress casually for the day ahead. I slipped into my favorite red plaid dress, its long sleeves providing a comforting layer of fabric against the cool morning air. Pairing it with my go-to black leather ankle boots, I let my hair down, cascading naturally down my back.

Mel greeted me with her characteristic cheerful smile as I sauntered over to take my seat next to her at the dining table.

"Good morning," I greeted.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵Where stories live. Discover now