13 - Dance with Danger.

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I stepped out to the balcony where I found Alessandro puffing thoughtfully on a cigarette

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I stepped out to the balcony where I found Alessandro puffing thoughtfully on a cigarette.

"Good morning," I greeted him in a dry tone, an underlying annoyance clear in my voice.

It was obvious he had chosen to ignore our little spat from yesterday. His eyes, shielded behind a cloud of smoke, bore no hint of recognition till I called out to him.

"Morning," he acknowledged me reluctantly after a moment, his tone lacking the warmth one might expect in a morning greeting.

A thick cloud of smoke hung heavy in the air around him, signalling his dark mood.

Breaking the tension that had been hovering in the silence, I finally said, "I need to run to the store. The landlord's complaining about some basement door trouble."

Drawing in a lungful of smoke and releasing it with deliberate slowness, he studied me. After a moment, he flicked away his half-smoked cigarette and turned to face me fully.

His voice was deep and resonant, its husky tones commanding attention, "I'll take you," he finally said.

As soon as he granted permission, I shot back inside the house to ready myself. Racing towards the walk-in closet, I ransacked the racks in search of something decent to wear for the day.

I settled on a pair of grey wool high-waist wide-leg pants, a sleek black shirt, and some black ankle boots to tie it all together. Quickly gathering my hair up into a ponytail, I rushed out the door and found Alessandro already waiting for me downstairs.

Alessandro eased the vehicle into a parking spot right outside the bookstore and before he could turn off the engine, I was already out of the car.

Just as I was reaching for the handle, Alessandro swiftly grabbed the keys from my hand, seemingly irritated, and stormed into the store himself, leaving me standing outside, baffled.

"Just wait here," he ordered firmly, with a commanding tone.

I was puzzled by his sudden command, but I trusted his judgment.

Standing out there alone, I observed as he surveyed the inside of the store intently. Once he seemed content, he gave me the nod, a signal for me to join him inside.

Quickly, I ventured towards the basement door that connected the bookstore to the alleyway. My heartbeat quickened as my gaze fell upon the busted lock.

"Alessandro!" I called out in a trembling voice, fear creeping up on me.

Alessandro swiftly charged downstairs and immediately noticed the broken lock.

With evident concern, he muttered just loud enough for me to hear, "Someone broke in."

Without wasting any more time, he darted back up to check the rest of the bookstore, for signs of foul play.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵Where stories live. Discover now