23 - Reign of Ruthlessness.

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What the fuck did I do?

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What the fuck did I do?

This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Yasenia was a means to an end, a pawn in this game of chess against her father. I never planned on feelings intervening, on some mysterious emotion twisting in my gut every fucking time I saw her.

What was she doing to me?

It wasn't until that worthless motherfucking Liam Bailey kidnapped her that I realized how much she meant to me.

I could feel my fists clenching in suppressed fury and some odd sensation that eerily felt like fear.

But why did I care? Was it out of responsibility? Remorse? A strange affection I barely fucking understood?

But now that spineless son of a bitch is six feet under, and I had to ensure that Luca didn't get tangled in the chaos that I had created.

Bailey's daughter must have briefed him on everything, and I was pretty sure that he, being the miserable fuck he was, would try to bring harm to my little brother.

Trudging up the stairs, I walked past Diego's office and couldn't help overhearing them in the middle of a heated argument. "She was always trouble, I tried to warn him, schmuck wouldn't listen!" Diego barked.

"Enough, father! That's it! She is his wife. Yasenia is one of us now. She is part of this family and it's high time you accepted it, for the sake of everyone's fucking sanity," Luca snapped back, the firmness in his voice unmistakable.

Acting on impulse, I just barged into the office, thrusting the door wide open.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to join us!" Diego sneered.

"What lies are you filling his head with this time?" I barked, furious.

"You're crossing the line with me, boy! You killed Bruce Bailey's son, and soon enough they'll link it back to your brother! You want that fucking heat on your family?" he fired back viciously.

I was livid. "I did what I had to do! Let the chips fall where they may! You stay the fuck out of it! MY family, MY responsibility! You fucking bailed on yours, but I never will!"

"Enough is enough! Can't we just quit this back and forth for once?" Luca interrupted, sounding visibly tired. "I'm sick of this constant fighting, especially in front of others! And father, I don't know what you're up to, but I don't like it one bit! Al is my brother and I'll do whatever it takes to help him, whether he asks for it or not! And whether you agree with it or not!"

Still boiling over, I shoved past Diego as I stormed out of his office, Luca struggling to keep up with me. As I stomped away, a volatile whirlwind of fury and indignation seemed ready to tear through me any moment.

"Al!" Luca called after me.

I spun around, my eyes burning with frustration and anger, struggling to calm myself down.

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