killing animals../1

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No one pov

  Like always he didn't sleep, and was outside at the cliff, next to him was his loyal dog named Dogchamp. He was actually his kid, because Champ was still a child and they were like a family to each other.

  They were looking at the stars, they usually were looking at them when clouds weren't covering them up.

- Todays stars are beautiful said Purpled and Champ nodded aww... Sun is already raising, did we really stay here all night? Champ again nodded, and Purpled chuckle

  They were watching stars until they disappeared because of the day starting, Purpled looked at Champ hungry? Dogchamp nodded again he would talk like a normal person but he was in his dog form

  He got up and picked Champ up, and walk to someones animals farm. He put down Champ and looked around to make sure no one was near, it was clear so he took out his axe and killed two cows got it, let's go he was whispering and his dog because of there's good hearing heard him.

  They were about to leave but someone cough them it was Jack Manifold what the fuck are you doing Purpled! Alien looked at him, picked Champ and run as fast as he could

  After some running he stopped and put down Champ, be was tired, but didn't wanted to sleep, he was scared something might happen to Champ

Chat: (don't remember there nicknames sorry)

JackManifold: I found who was killing animals!
Tommy: Who!
Tubbo: Who is it
Fundy: someone was killing animals?
Georgenotfound: I see that I am not the only one who is behind this
JackManifold: It's Purpled

  Purpled when he saw what was on chat Champ wanna go for a adventure? Far from here?

  Dogchamp turned to his human form  sure! New adventures are really cool!

  Well let's go Champ he started walking one way and Dogchamp was following, next to him.

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