"they weren't confused".../2

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Tommy pov

I actually was surprised that Purpled was behind all this killing animals, but why was he doing this? I was thinking.

I was just going forward thinking and thinking, then I thought about going to see if he was in his ufo but when I got there I saw that it was there and some of the things of Ufo were broken on the grass. What the-

I went to his base that I found in the past.... No one was there, so where could he be I started going to Techno's I wanted to maybe rob him from some apples, or even golden ones

On the way I saw someone wearing purple hoodie- Purpled!? I went faster to them Purpled? He looked at me, as always he was wearing masks, one covering his mouth, and other covering his eyes

Tommy?.. he went some steps away from me, so did the kid? I just realized there was a kid so I asked who's that? Saying I pointed at the kid, and he fast took the kid behind

I was waiting for the answer and did not get you won't answer? He did a move with his head meaning "no" I took his hand and went to Techno's house as it was near where we were

When we got there Phil was talking with Techno outside so I just went to them with Purpled and that kid, they were following Purpled

They saw me entering the place, I stopped automatically, then Techno took out his axe What are you doing here Tommy he was cold as always, then I think they noticed Purpled And why is Purpled here? Don't want to be mean oh so he can be mean to his brother but not to a stranger?! How is going Grayson, are you better at fighting? Purpled nodded

After not long he run but I cough the kid and he stopped, took out his bow, and aimed at him Put him down... He sounded sad? Scared? I don't know I think cold I said... PUT HIM DOWN! His voice cracked a little, he sounded like a girl but like I don't know, not him

They others were looking at Purpled and they were probably confus- I looked at them at they weren't confused what the? I put the kid down and they run to Purpled

397 words not including this

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does he has traumas? //Cancelled//Where stories live. Discover now