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Tommy pov

I woke up and was already in that guests room, and saw Purpled with a guy? Who was that, and why was he hugging him! Why do I care.. Purpled is just a stupid American that I don't care about... Right?

This friend that "Tommy" woke up that bear guy said

Oh purpled looked at me

Who's that? I asked wanting to get an answer

Just my friend? Why do you even care he looked at his friend, stand up let's go When he said he took this "Walli" hand to get him up and they went out

What happened to me? Why do I care, maybe I'm just curious? But if so then why did I care that this guy was hugging Purpled... What the fuck is happening! It never happened before...

I closed my eyes and went to sleep again, but I tried to still have my gaurd on and be sure if someone came in or if something was happening

So sorry it's not long
But I don't have idea for this part
I hope you understand that...

Love you!

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