Hupixel question?/7

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Ha I won! I yelled and Techno cut me

Only two games and I won 5

Oh stfu I got up angry and he got up too and was really tall what the heck hmh! He laughed I wanted to turn to my taller form but didn't trust that much them

Oh I want to ask you if the scar I gave you years ago, if it disappeared already he asked and I looked at the floor then roll up my sleeve, I had a big scar it's still there!? I'm actually sorry, I thought I didn't do a big one

It sometimes still bleed... I said and Phil came closer then spoke

Did you try to heal, or did someone helped you heal it? I first nodded and then I shook my head I can try to heal it, so this won't bleed anymore and maybe it will disappear a little

I shook my head, they could do something, poison, weakness then maybe other I...

You don't want any help? Everyone sometimes need help

I'm not a kid, and I'm not weak so don't need help I rolled down my sleeve

Are you still playing on Hypixe?l I froze when Technoblade asked that, then I nodded and he just sat on front of me on the floor to have our faces at the same height And you want to be there? I didn't answer just look at him

If you don't want to- I cut Phil

I don't want to be there... But want to be... I mean.. if I leave others cane make fun of me thinking I'm weak...

Sorry not long

If can please give
Any ideas

does he has traumas? //Cancelled//Where stories live. Discover now