"I really need sleep"/5

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Tommy pov

Phil told me that I will have to sleep on the floor or if Purpled agrees, sleep with him in bed. I didn't know that he would even give that option.

Because Shroud wasn't with me, I wanted someone to hug me to sleep..

I went inside the guests room, and Purpled was sleeping, but his face was weird, I mean okay his skin color is like that, but I am talking about his freckles, weird color.

As I was looking at him someone touched my shoulder and I flinched, looked at that person and it was Techno

Are you scared or something that he is here? I shook my head, and he walked away.

I went closer to Purpled and wanted to wake him up a little. I actually wanted to sleep on the bed and maybe hug him, I don't know why, but I just trusted him, and didn't feel scared..

Okay I tapped several times on his shoulder and his flinch? What the? He right away hides half of face, more like that part of his mouth

W-what do you need you fucking British boy I was angry that he still uses that nickname! I didn't like that, but I had to be a little calm

Can I... Can I maybe sleep with you? I know it would be weird but I- I couldn't finish, he cut me off

You can sleep with me.. but let me sleep ... I really need sleep...  He answered and sounded really tired, but he agreed! I didn't change my clothes because I didn't wanted so I just went under his blanket, hugged him from behind and then fell asleep

281 words


And I am really sorry
That this was short

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