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Purpled pov

We were where Dream told us to be, he didn't actually say where, but we saw some people so we went there and everyone's eyes looked at me and Technoblade, we got off the horses.

Members were looking at them still, then one came closer

Tommy said he heard you guys talking about Hypixel? Do you guys even know tha- Techno cut Sapnap, yes that person who came from all of these people was that fire something

We know, we know, why is everyone staring at us? Techno said with his cold voice, I hid behind him, I wasn't used to many people looking at me, last time it was like that... I had a panic attack...

Everyone is staring at you because someone said you two were in hypixel George said going close but stops next to Sap

Purpled are you- no were you- no no no! Are you... Are you working on that fucking server!? Punz said, more like yelled, and Techno put his hand on my head and pat

Can you guys not be that loud? I mean okay we did something-

Not legal Dream cut Techno, and I knew he was angry

That isn't legal, and Techno I think you should have known that, and not let him go with you Puffy said and I looked at her Why are you trying to ruin this kid

I am not a fucking kid! I am not a kid... No... I hugged Techno and everyone were silent, I think... I should have say it in my mind, not loud

After some minutes I got away some steps Techno you wanna go to my friends?.. I said quite but he should have hear it, he looked at me and shook his head

I did something and behind me some steps away was white portal with hypixel bedwars, so I just run there and fall into it, and showing them middle fingers.


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