"is it really THAT bad"/8

340 13 1

Tommy pov

I heard they say something about Hypixel? Purpled being in there? Some members said it wasn't legal to be there, I walked out of the room and left the house, then ran to where can be Dream

~~After hour when he hot there and talked a little~~

Dream: L'manburg everyone now
Hannah: I can't now I'm in nether
Sam: I am trying to fix something that Technoblade broke by blowing some of it
Dream: I really mean now! In an hour I want everyone here

Is it that bad? I mean I know it is, is it really THAT bad to get everyone and be upset?

Purpled pov

I looked at the chat then at Techno and Phil

Alright then we have to go, you want maybe a horse? Phil asked me me and I shook my head then answered

I can use pearls

You will get dizzy Techno said looking cold at me

I am used to it

No, you will be riding on the horse with Techno

Hmh... Alright

We got ready, and then we're riding the horses to L'manburg...

183 words
Sorry that not long

does he has traumas? //Cancelled//Where stories live. Discover now