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Purpled pov

I heard someone near us, but I wasn't scared, it was probably Technoblade or Ph1lza Minecraft! So nothing to worry about.

Purpled you are so cute with these blushes

I- Walli! Stfu! I punched him in his stomach, and he got away a little with a sad face wait, I'm sorry, just you know I don't like when someone is calling me cute...

Tommy pov

I saw Purpled blush more when he was called "cute" did he like that guy? Are they together?... I'm his enemy I shouldn't care about his life... We are enemies... Right?... Life wtf is going on!

I stepped in, Purpled, at the time I left my hide spot, looked at me

Mind if I stay here? I said quite and the Walli person looked at me

Sure, you can he answered and got closer to Purp, I again was having that feeling, but why?

Why did you even ask, you don't like spending time with me Purpled said with a really cold voice, and I just looked away

Um boy? Don't really know your name, but are you alright?

I'm fine, now who are you to Purpled

Oh we are just... Hehe... We are together what, together? No... This isn't happening

What? Since when we are together, Walli?  So they aren't together, what a relief

But we act like a coupleeeeee

You are usually using me as a pillow, just a pillow Purpled said and I tried not to laugh

No, I don't!... Hmh! I'm going good, go. He got up and left, not even saying a bye to Purpled.

Purpled took his mask on and was looking at this boy leaving

Now we were alone, for now.... Chat is there something wrong with me?

As chat, you guys give him answer to that question

does he has traumas? //Cancelled//Where stories live. Discover now