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Purpled pov

I woke up and saw Tommy, he was still hugging me, I quite got off bed and went out of the room, saw Phil and Techno

Purpled, quick question Ph1lza said and I looked at him or maybe not one

What questions? I leaned against the wall

Each one of us always sees you alone, unless you are talking about your mercenary work with others-

Are you okay? Techno cut Phil, and I just looked at the floor,then someone came in and it was Wilbur

What's up

Nothing much Will, Purpled will be just living with us Phil answered to Wilburs "what's up" and I was shocked by that

Pouse- what I looked at him and was confused, I threw I would stay for a night, just it. Like a little break

If you don't want to then okay, but I think if could be good, as you and Techno could just go fight, and not waiting for one of you some time. Phil said and I through a little, I mean it would be easier, and I loved the fight we had in the past, so I nodded

Okay then.. but for now I am saying I am staying not more than a week... I would need to trust you guys more...

Understand kiddo Techno said

~~Time skip~~

We four (Purpled, Phil, Techno Will) were talking for like an hour then Wilbur took out one TNT

Anyone want to blow some shit?

I was just looking at the TNT, then shook my head, Phil and Techno also declined that offer, and Wilbur just walked out

I remember you saying you want to be far from wars, and Quackity? Did he do something Phil said with a caring voice

I am not gonna say... I was looking at the floor and saw someones boots and got pat pat on my head, I looked up, it was Techno, I give a little smile

Wanna do something? But not fighting, I don't feel like fighting with anyone he said and went back to his sit

Got any games? Maybe? I asked and Phil immediately went out and after something like 5 minutes he was back with chess, put on the table, and showed me to sit on the chair on the opposite of the table.

Okay, kid, who starts war? Techno asked while Phil went to make something. We started the game

~~Time skip~~

Tommy pov

I woke up, and saw that Purpled already left, and Dogchamp was in my legs, I got up, went to wardrobe and started changing to another the same shirt, and went out of the room because I heard Yelling

You are done Technoblade! You can't move your kind anymore! You lost the war!

Not so fast I still have tower, and Can easily win with you!

Purpled and Techno yelling at each other, and chess?

Haha! And you thought you would win with that tower!!

That was a good war

They nodded, and were placing chess, and then I spoke

What the fuck is going on!? The heck? It's just chess, chill! They looked at me, Purpled, I don't know what emotions he had, but Techno was angry at me, took out crossbow, and aimed at me, so I backed up to the guests room and heard them laugh



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