Kotlc Ocs Short Story

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Calliope hummed as she and Biana walked arms full of bags. "Okay Calli we need to go to that store that store and that store." 

"Oh I already got something there I'll wait outside." Calliope replied she sat down on a bench when she spotted the neverseen symbol reflected in a puddle. She whirled around but there was nothing. But all of a sudden a figure in a black cloak appeared and started walking towards the alley. Calliope glanced toward the store where Biana was trying on a dress there wasn't enough time. Slowly she got up and began sneaking towards the mysterious figure.

The figure peered into a crystal statue, and something inside it swirled. Nodding slightly, the Neverseen member started to walk into the woods. Calliope followed nervously, waiting as light from the city vanished and there were only rich greens.

"I wonder what you're worth to the Moonlark."

Calliope cursed herself. She had lost track of the figure and it had somehow snuck up behind her.

The figure was about as tall as her, and seemed to be a girl. Though her face was covered in shadow, blond hair stuck out from under her hood.

"Me? I was worth nothing," the figure said.

Calliope raised an eyebrow  " I don't think I'm very important to a bird. Also I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person."

"Calliope Hazebough, is it not? From the family of Hazeboughs," the figure said. The wind rustled in the leaves, and Calliope wondered if that meant this member was a Guster. "Boy, what a legacy. And you seem to be. . ." Calliope sensed a sneer. "Delightful."

Not sure how to answer Calliope replied "um thank you?"

The girl scowled. "This is why I don't deal with the fancy pantses. Anyway, Gisela said that even if little Miss Foster doesn't want you back, the Council sure will. They wouldn't dare lose one of their perfect Hazeboughs."

Calliope gulped "are you going to kidnap me?"

"aRE yOu gOING To kIDNAP mE?" the Neverseen girl said in a mocking voice. "Well, I'm certainly not asking you to tea."

"Well I certainly would prefer tea to kidnapping." Calliope glanced behind her hoping that Biana would notice that she wasn't on the bench anymore.

The water in a nearby creek quivered, jumping out of the creek. It circled the clearing, creating a sort of arena. The girl pulled out a melder.

Calliope instinctively felt the frost come to her fingertips thank goodness she was wearing gloves or she wouldn't have the element of surprise.

The Neverseen girl shot a water dagger at Calliope.

Calliope ripped off her gloves and her fingertips just barely touched the dagger but it was enough. It fell to the ground a harmless pile of snow.

"Oh, great," the girl said. "They always give me these cases."

The girl switched her hands, extending one in front, and the arena gathered in a floating orb above her. Then, the water rushed towards Calliope in a raging torrent as the Neverseen girl came forwards.

Calliope screamed as the water rushed towards her but just as it reached her an invisible force pushed her to the side. A moment later Biana appeared next to her flickering in and out. "I am so glad you're here." Calliope whispered in relief.

The Neverseen girl ran towards them, surprising them both. She ripped out two sweet-smelling kerchiefs. Calliope knew that it would all be over if they breathed into them. 

Scrambling up she grabbed Biana's arm and tried to run but tripped and pain shot up her leg. Biana a few feet ahead turned back but was to late.

The Neverseen girl trapped Biana is a cage of water and tackled Calliope. Calliope covered her head, not letting the girl get anywhere near her face. 

She curled up hands over her mouth trying to breath regularly she could feel the Neverseen girl trying to pry her hands away from her face. In response she curled up tighter but she could smell the sickly sweet smell of sedative. Her hand fell away as it kicked in, and the last thing she did was throw her elbow back, feeling it hit something soft.


Calliope woke in a dark room  all the walls around her were glass in the room next to her Biana sat on the bed.She whirled around when she saw Calliope sit up. She pressed her hands against the glass and said something but  walls muted her words.

"Well," a voice Calliope recognized as Neverseen girl said. "Thanks to you, princess prettypants knows who I am. Her use as a bargaining chip goes down then. Just slightly, but still."

Calliope banged her fists on the glass wall "who are you!? Why am I here?! What do you want with me?!"

Neverseen girl appeared, this time with her hood pushed slightly back, so that Calliope could see dark blue eyes framed by thick blond lashes. "Just call me Rain. And you're a bargaining chip, sweetie. Or, if that doesn't work out, we are in need of a Froster."

Calliope felt her stomach drop this is bad when her parents realize she's missing they're going to blame the Black Swan. Then they're going to tell the council who is going to send someone to capture the Black Swan. And when they finally realize the Neverseen have her they'll be so desperate they'll do anything to get her back.

"Anyway," Rain continued. "We can't use you if you starve to death, so food will be in a few minutes. Since I brought you in, I have the great privilege to be your caretaker and interrogator." She smiled maliciously. "Trust me, they're making treat you better than new recruits." With that she  walked away into the darkness. 

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