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Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil.
~the storian

I was sleeping in my tree in the magic woods, until out of nowhere I heard a loud noise. I suddenly woke out of my slumber, curious wanting to know what this sound was and where it came from I stood up forgetting the part I was in a tree! As I stood up I immediately fell out of the tree for not being careful, but could you blame me it was such a strange noise if one of you would have heard it you would have the same reaction. When I fell to the ground I heard the other faeries laugh, how dare they! So I said 'The first one to make a sound right now will be turned into a little mouse and will become my lunch!' All the faeries went dead silent looking kind of scared at me. 'Okay sorry that was mean of me but next time this happens there will be serious consequences, understood?' The faeries nodded all in understanding and left. When they all left something on the ground caught my attention, a letter. A letter from the school for good and evil, wait what? But why? I grabbed the letter from the ground, there was a bit of mud on it but I didn't really care, especially when I saw that the letter was addressed to me.

Y/N of Magic woods, lady of all evil.

I looked for a bit at the letter 'why would they send me a letter after all what happened in school?' I asked myself softly. I finally opened the letter with my claws and began reading the letter.

Dear Y/N of magic woods,

We have written this letter to you, to inform you that you're accepted as a teacher for the school for good and evil. We hope you will join us this school year and teach the students to be good Evers and bad Nevers. Come as fast as possible to the school for your introduction with your co-teachers and your students. If you don't join us there will be serious consequences!

Yours Sincerely,
The Deans of the school for good and evil

I was astonished. They want me to teach at the school, just wow. I had no words. I was to busy looking at the letter that I suddenly heard a loud cough and when I looked up I saw Rosella one of Aurora's faerie advisers. 'Y/N, Queen Aurora would like to speak to you, so please come with me.' Rosella said. 'Of course I will come immediately.' I answered. When Rosella turned around and began to fly, I followed her. Rosella was really small so she has to fly to be seen or someone could accidentally step on her or would bump into her. After Rosella flying for a while and me walking we arrived at the castle. We went inside and were greeted by the beauty of the flowery throne room. At the end of the room there were two thrones, one for Queen Aurora and one for King Phillip. My mother Maleficent saved Aurora from her sleeping curse years ago and took her to this place and made her queen, after that she met Phillip a farmer boy who always was interested in the magic af the faeries. We welcomed him with open arms and he was always very nice and after time he married Aurora and became king and since then the magic woods has the best rulers they ever had. When I was in the middle of the throne room Aurora stood up and came walking down to me. When she was close she embraced me 'Y/N it's so good to see you again,' she let go of the embrace and asked 'how have you been sister?' 'I have been feeling quite good lately and how about you sis?' I answered. 'I also have been very good, which leads me directly why I asked you to be here. There is something I wanted to ask you.' 'What is it Rora?'
'Is is true that the school for good and evil exits?' Aurora asked.
'Yes it is very real sister.' I answered.
'Is it also true you went there?'
'Yes that's also true, why do you ask if I may be so bold to ask?'
Aurora answered in a fast tone 'Well I've gotten a letter from that school about asking if you were interested in teaching at the school, and since mother told me stories about and so did you I wanted to make sure if it really exits and if it exits if I could go with yo-'
'Wow, stop, not so fast. You got a letter from the school for good and evil about me?'
'Yes can you believe it, because I can't!' She said excitedly. 'So are you going or not N/N?'
'Well I don't know if I should, did I tell you the story about me getting send away from the school?'
'Oh yes you did that's one of my favourite stories, oh wait that's why you don't want to go?'
'Yes I just don't know what will happen.' I said nervously.
'Well you could always give it a shot and go, if you don't like it you can always come back and play the lady of evil again.' She said teasingly.
I replied. 'You know you're right I should go and find out for myself if I like it or not.'
After our little talk Aurora directed me to the dining room to have dinner with her and Philip, which was very nice. When dinner was over I said my goodbyes to Aurora and Philip and went back to my tree. Back at my tree I packed all my stuff and went to sleep excited for the next day to come.

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