~Lady Lesso~

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Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
~the Storian

Me and the school board were in a meeting about the new school year, about what could we do better then last year. Clarissa was already talking about that my students should be more respectful to the Evers and be more careful in school, for there were a lot of injured students last years. 'We should actually keep it they way it is, it's perfectly fine.' I said to the school board but they didn't listen of course, why would they the school master himself is good. Maybe it would be different if both school masters were still here. The meeting gotten so long I began to daydream, cause it was just so boring until Clarissa began to announce something interesting. 'So as you al know,' Professor Dovey said 'we lost our defense against magic teacher last school year, so I went searching for a new teacher and I found someone and she is happy to come and teach here!' Professor Anemone replied. 'What is her name and when will we meet her?'
'Her name is Y/N of magic woods, she is also known as the guardian of the magic woods and she will come tomorrow to meet everyone!' Dovey answered.
'Wow that's wonderful Clarissa!' A good teacher said.
'Well I'm already so excited to meet her!' Princess Uma said.
Dovey looked at me and said. 'Aren't you excited to meet her? It was your fault that we lost the teacher in the first place, you scared him the whole time and were being very disrespectful towards him.'
'Uh we'll see if I get excited. At least not for now, I don't really have the energy for it but I will let you know when I will get excited.' I said mockingly towards her. 'But I do have a question for you.'
'What is it?' She asked in a irritated tone.
'Well you said her name was Y/N, right?'
'Yes indeed I said that.'
'Is there by any chance that you know if she was a student here a while ago?'
'Not that I know of no, why do you ask?' Dovey asked confused.
'The name just sounded very familiar to me, but I know her by a different title.'
'What title?' Dovey asked looking even more confused.
'Lady of evil, daughter of Maleficent the mistress of evil herself.' I said with a smirk.
'Lesso I think you're talking about a whole different person, Y/N is good and very nice and protects the magic woods, she is Queen Aurora's sister.'
'Then why didn't you say Princess Y/N if she's the Queens sister?'
'Because she doesn't want that title! She wanted to be called guardian of the magic woods!' Dovey said a bit angry.
'Well then, can you describe her for me, cause now I'm getting really curious who this Y/N person is.' I said teasing.
Dovey began describing Y/N. 'She has long h/c hair, she also has very big black wings and she has horns on her head and... wait now that I think of it she looks a lot like Maleficent! But why didn't you tell me that?' She looked at the school master.
'Oh well that's because she can't choose a side, she doesn't know if she is good or evil that's why we gave her the title guardian, because a guardian can be good or evil. But she has to decide for herself what she is, if she doesn't then she will not get a story whether she's good or evil.' The school master replied to Dovey and continued. 'But I think that will be all for today's meeting, a very important week is going to start so it's better if we are prepared. I wish you all a good day today.' After that he stood up and walked out of the room, probably back to his tower. The good teachers looked at each other, looked at us the evil teachers and then stood up and left the room as well. Me and the other evil teachers also stood up and left. When I was back in my office I began preparing myself for the week to come, but I couldn't concentrate. Was this Y/N woman really who she taught she was or was she really someone else, because for all I knew she was gone in the middle of the school year out of nowhere and no one knew where she went we all thought she was probably dead. So no this couldn't be her and if it was her I will see it the first second I saw her, or not? She also could have changed and be unrecognizable. But I will see it tomorrow, I have now a lot of work to focus on including that new reader joining the school.
I was deeply concentrated in my work until I heard a knock. 'Come in.' I answered. When the door opened I looked up and I saw Clarissa? Wait what is she doing here?
'I know you're probably wondering why I'm here, but I just want to know something.' Dovey said.
'Well what is it?' I asked her impatiently.
'How do you know who this Y/N person is and why do you call her lady of evil?'
'I went to school with her, when she arrived she was the most popular never in school because her mother is Maleficent. So everyone loved her and knew her as Y/N of magic woods, lady of evil. And when you said her name it immediately reminded me of her, but I also remember she was gone in the middle of the school year and no one knew why. And now you said that someone with the same name is going to teach at the school for good and I-'
'Also at the school for evil.'
'Yes, and the school for evil now hush. I just had a feeling she's still alive but that would be nonsense because she vanished years ago and now I am stuck with this stupid thought in my head that will not stop.' I explained to her.
'So you two were friends? But I thought you didn't have friends?' She asked.
'Oh no we were real enemies, because the Dean from that time was more interested in me then in her while she was better at everything I did. So there sort of were two sides in school at that time, most people were with her but that would be obvious and a few people were with me. And that hatred was there until the middle of the school year, that was the time she vanished out of nowhere.'
'That's a lot what happened between you two, but you really think it's her?'
'Yes I think it's her, but I'm not sure.'
'We'll see that tomorrow then and if it's really her then let me know I'm just really interested about you two's history with each other.' After that Dovey left and I went back to my work still thinking about tomorrow.

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