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Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
The two became great enemies of each other both wanting to be the baddest villain there is.
This conflict was the beginning of a very beautiful story called...
~the Storian

After flying for who knows how long, I finally arrived at the school. Still focused on the task to rescue the girls, I flew faster and came closer but suddenly the stymph made a drop to the evil school. I tried to follow it but I got attacked by shooting arrows I had to stop and make sure to miss all the arrows, being to busy with this I didn't see Sophie getting dropped in the school for evil. Suddenly the arrows were gone but so was the stymph. I flew to the bridge and landed. When I landed I saw that someone was standing there, probably waiting for me. The figure walked closer and then he talked. 'Ah Y/N so good you could finally join us! I am the school master and I welcome you to the school for good and evil!' He said excitedly. When I wanted to speak he began talking again. 'Well how does a tour sounds around the two schools?' 'That sounds delightful!' I answered with a nice tone. We first walked to the school for good, that must be where Sophie is. We walked into the school and the school master showed me around. We ended the tour at some sort of library where also some teachers were waiting. 'Y/N I want you to meet your colleagues, this is Yuba, Professor Anemone and the Dean for the school for good Professor Clarissa Dovey.'
'Hello lovely I'm Clarissa Dovey it's so nice to meet you!' She said very excited and embraced me. 'Hello I'm Y/N Woods also known as guardian of the magic woods. It's very nice to meet you all!' I said after I parted from the embrace. The school master coughed and said 'Well this is all very nice but we also have to go to the evil school since you will be teaching both schools. Goodbye everyone.' We walked away and went to the evil school. When we arrived at the gate of the evil school I felt a strange tingle inside me. We went inside and did the tour for the school and also ended at some sort of library where two teachers were waiting. 'Y/N this was the tour of the school for evil and I also want you to meet your evil colleagues, this is Professor Bilious Manley, Mistress Gothel and- wait where is Lesso?' The school master asked confused. 'She didn't care to come. She said that a new teacher didn't matter to her that she will see the teacher in due time.' Mistress Gothel said but continued 'But Y/N it's nice to meet you and I hope you will give evil lessons and don't worry about Lesso, she does this a lot.'
'What do I do a lot?' Someone asked in the shadows.
'Oh Lady Lesso, I didn't know you were coming, I thought you said you didn't care.' Mistress Gothel said surprised.
'Well Dovey insisted I meet her since she is very important to both our schools but indeed I don't really care.' She said. When she came out of the shadows, I was in shock. That's that reader girl from like 20 years ago, that's the girl that made sure I had to go from this school. Oh she is going to pay. 'Well it's nice to meet you Y/N I hope you're going to give the students the best lessons so evil can finally win for once.' She said while taking out her hand waiting to be shaken. I spoke but didn't shake her hand. 'Likewise Lady Lesso and I hope that this tidiness won't be a problem in the future.' I stood more right so I looked more intimidating.
'How dare you! Who do you think you are!?' Lady Lesso said very angry.
I looked her in the eye and said 'I dare a lot and for your information I'm the Lady of all evil and soon to be queen so I would look out if I were you.' My eyes turned red. Lady Lesso looked intimidated. 'I hope this won't be a problem for the lessons you're going to give.'
'Oh it wouldn't be a problem, the students will get the proper lessons they deserve.' I said with a irritating tone.
'Well Y/N, why don't I show you your quarters in the schools, I forgot all about that!' The school master said nervously.
I answered. 'That would be a delight, I had quite the journey you know.'
'Well Let's go then my lady.'
We walked away from the teachers and from the evil school and went to the good school. He showed me my quarters and it was big! Here could live a whole family and I have this all to myself.
'I think you would like some rest Lady Y/N, there is going to be a big day tomorrow. I wish you a very goodnight.' The school master said.
'Yes I would like a good rest and thankyou for showing me around. Goodnight.' I said.
The school master walked away and closed the doors. And there I felt it again a strange tingle, I looked around but saw nothing suspicious. Then I heard it, the creepy voices. 'Y/N, Y/N, come to us, find us, be with us, we're lonely Y/N, please.' And then everything went black.

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