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Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
The two became great enemies of each other both wanting to be the baddest villain there is.
~the Storian

In the morning I packed my last things and was making sure I was ready to leave. I said goodbye to the faeries I've lived with and said my last goodbye to my save home my tree. Oh how I'm gonna miss that tree. When I was ready to leave I heard a rustle, I turned around and saw a black raven. Wait that's my mother's raven, but why would the raven be here. 'Hello my little Phoenix.' I heard behind me. I turned around again and there she was my mother the mistress of all evil. 'Hi mom.' I said greeting her. 'Packed up and all, where are we going so early in the morning?' She asked. 'I'm going to the school for good and evil.' I said answering her question.
'But I thought that they kicked you from that school?'
'Yes they did, but I've gotten a letter about being a teacher and they asked if I wanted to come and teach defense against magic to the students.' I explained.
'Uhu that's very interesting, but didn't you hate that school for what they did to you?'
'Yes I hate the school for that but I want to give it a chance and if I don't like it I'll come back to the woods and become it's guardian, but first I want to try this.'
'Alright that sounds fair, but before you go would you like to fly with me over the magic woods for old times sake?'
'Yes sure, but not for too long I still have all the way to fly to the school.'
'That's alright, well let's go.'
My mother flew first, I followed her. After flying for a little while we arrived at a little human village. It seems like they were preparing for something, they al had spears in their hands and before all the windows were bars. What is this for crazy village, what are they preparing for? My mother signed at me to land a little further from the village so we could investigate. When we were on the ground we went into our human disguises so that no one knew what we are and so that no one will get scared. We walked into the village and saw a lot of people in the square. There was someone in the middle of the people and was screaming some things. I walked a bit closer so I could hear what it all was about. When I was closer I could finally hear it and it was about the school for good and evil? 'This week my best neighbors the school master from the school for good and evil will come and strike again. We all know what it means he is coming to get two children from here so we better prepare ourselves for the coming nights. We will all take turns every night to watch for the sky and around ourselves so we know when they are coming and we are prepared to fight!!'

Everyone cheered at the woman for her speech. when they were done with cheering some of the people grabbed big fork like things and some swords and went into the woods nearby. 'These people know that the school is bad and their children shouldn't go there, they want to protect them. And I agree with them that it is a bad school, that's why I also brought you here to help these people with me and protect them for the night. We both know that this night those crazy dead flying things are coming for the new students so we should help protect the children, will you do that with me?' My mother asked me looking quite frightened for those poor children. 'Alright I will help because this isn't good at all, these children should stay away from the school they are supposed to stay here and have a normal childhood.' I continued 'So what's the plan for tonight?'
'My idea was to make an invisible magic barrier, so they stay safe and also stay unaware of our presence.' She explained.
'That would work, but we are only with two of us and normally you would need 5 so that would require a lot of power from the both of us.'
'I'm quite aware of that, but I also know that we are the strongest faeries alive which means we can do this with ease.'
'That sounds fair we're indeed quite powerful, so when do we start?' I asked.
'We start right now, the more time we have, the stronger we this barrier can make.'
'I think we're going to make a faerie circle to create a barrier?'
'Yes indeed we are that's the easiest way to do it now. If you go to the east of the village into the woods then I go to the westside. When we are there we both make a faerie circle for a barrier and then shoot the magic to the opposite side and from there we can work downwards with the magic.' My mother explained.
'That sounds like a good plan, I will be going to the east of the village now to make the circle. Should we meet back here at midnight when the barrier is in full power?' I asked.
'Yes that sound like a good idea.' She agreed.
'Well then I will see you at midnight, bye!'
'Goodbye little Phoenix.'

When I arrived at the east side of the village just in the woods, I looked around to find a good spot to draw my circle. When I looked around I saw a girl by a tree, talking to it? Curious I made myself invisible and went closer to the girl looking what she was doing, when I could hear her good I heard her talk about the school for good and evil. But why would she talk about that? Being the too curious person I am, I made myself visible again without her noticing and went to her. 'What are you doing child?' I asked gently.
'I'm wishing to the wishing tree so that I can go to the school for good and evil, it's all I ever wanted!' She told me very excited.
'Ah that's very nice, but do you also know that the other villagers will make sure you don't go there at all?' I asked interested.
'Oh yes I am quite aware about that, but I'm sure that's not gonna be a problem at all because I'm a princess who is supposed to go there so they will understand and so will my friend Agatha.' She explained to me.
'That sounds like a very interesting story but how do you know you're going there?'
'Because I'm making sure I'm going there even if it means I have to go outside of the village.'
'Well that sounds like you really have a plan, but may I ask you for your name?' I asked nicely.
'Oh of course! My name is Sophie, what is your name?'
'My name is Y/N, it is very nice to meet you Sophie.'
'Yes likewise, but I have to go home now or my father is going to kill me. Well bye bye!' She said while waving and walking away. Now that she is gone I'm going to work, this faerie circle has to be one of the strongest one made in a very long time. First I grabbed a stick so I could draw what I wanted the circle to look like, then I gathered flowers and plants to place on the circle and lastly I grew mushrooms with my magic. Now that the circle was done I began chanting the spell three times, so it will be most effective.

Flos, lux et natura
Exaudi me voca
Fac cum his naturis dona claustra
Magicae et potentiae
Castellum incolumem servare
Et scholae vindictam

When I was finished chanting my spell the magic shooted out of the circle. I directed it to the west side of the village, like I agreed with my mother. When the barrier was done and fully covered the village I made it invisible and began to walk to the town square. But then I heard someone say 'Sophie what are you doing here?' Wait Sophie? Sophie the girl who wanted to go to the school for good and evil! Oh no she is waiting for the stymphs to come and get her. I began running to the sound so I can make sure Sophie can't be taken away. When I came close I saw what was happening, Sophie was being taken away by some mysterious shadow, but not on my watch. I turned back into my fearie body this way I can run much faster. When the shadow came to a stop it disappeared, I wanted to come closer to Sophie but realized I was still in my fearie body. When I saw another girl with her I turned myself invisible so that I can get closer to them and bring them back to the village. But out of nowhere they were picked up, by a stymph! 'Oh no this is not going to end well.' I said softly to myself. So I did the thing what I would regret the most, I followed the stymph to the school for good and evil...

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