~20 years ago~

347 16 4

~Leonora of Gavaldon~

Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
The two became great enemies of each other both wanting to be the baddest villain there is.
This conflict was the beginning of a very beautiful story called...
The princess and the Pauper
~the Storian

I woke up to some loud noises, probably the townspeople who are putting bars on the windows again. I went out of bed and walked to my curtains by the window, I pulled a little on the curtain so I could look through the window. It was still dark outside and there weren't bars on her window, yet. It still being dark I went back to bed and tried to sleep, which I succeeded in for 5 minutes or so.
'Leonora! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!'
I opened my eyes again and noticed that it was already light through the gap in the curtain I made earlier. Well at least I made a few more hours of sleep before I have to go to hell again. I went out of bed and walked to the curtains again, but this time I opened them fully and immediately saw that my window wasn't covered with bars and that all the other windows in the village were fully covered with bars. I put my clothes on and went downstairs.
'Goodmorning Leonora, I made some eggs for you their on the table.' My mom said greeting me.
I went to sit at the table and sat down, I was greeted by a empty plate, but I thought my mom said the eggs were on the table.
'Yes sweetie?'
'Where are my eggs?'
'They are on the table, are they not?'
'No, there is just an empty plate.'
'Oh yeah I was very hungry so I ate them, you don't mind right sis? Of course you don't, girls don't need food they don't have to work.' A lower voice said that my brother is.
'Oh, okay, then I'll just ask for new eggs. Mom can you make a egg for me?' I asked a little sad.
'Sweetie, I really want to but I don't have any eggs, sorry. But you can have some leftover pancakes from yesterday.' She said to cheer me up.

After eating breakfast I went into town to get some groceries for dinner tonight. I walked out of the door and walked to the square where the stalls stand. When I was into town I could already feel the eyes on me. A few months ago the people in town put my aunt on the pyre, because they suspected she was a witch and since then my whole family is getting these kind of looks from the people in town. They were right about my aunt being a witch, but that doesn't mean everyone in her family is which is very unkind from to people to think. I arrived at the stalls and went to the stall with the fruits and vegetables, I wanted to talk to the seller but was cut off. 'Sorry, I'm not helping any witches or family from witches. Go get somewhere else your groceries!' With that I walked away and went to another stall where unfortunately happened the same thing. After trying for some while to get groceries and still not having any I gave up. I began to walk home until I heard someone say my name. I looked around and saw it was the owner of the bookshop. I walked up to him. 'Hello Leonora, would you like to take a look inside I got a new book you would like very much.' I nodded and followed him inside. When we got inside the owner opened a box and handed me a book. 'It's a new book from the school for good and evil and you are the first to have one!' The owner said.
'Want they already have a new copy, but didn't they have one like 3 months ago?' I asked.
'Well normally there would be one every 6 months, but last night I found this box just outside. But you know what the strange thing is with this copy, it has only one story which also only has a opening. I mean it, if you don't believe me open it.'
I opened the book and began turning the pages and indeed to my surprise there was only an opening to this book, I was very curious about the opening now so I read it.

Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
The two became great enemies of each other both wanting to be the baddest villain there is.
This conflict was the beginning of a very beautiful story called...
The princess and the Pauper
~the Storian

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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