~20 Years ago~

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Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
The two became great enemies of each other both wanting to be the baddest villain there is.
This conflict was the beginning of a very beautiful story called...
The princess and the Pauper
~the Storian

Today was the day! I'm going to the school for good and evil! Oh I'm so excited. I laid in my bed in the bedroom and I'd woken up not very long ago. I heard a knock on the door and I reacted to it. 'Come in! The door is open.' A maid came in. 'Goodmorning dearie, are you ready to go to school?' She asked. 'Yes! I can't wait for the stymph to come and bring me to school!'
'Well that's very good to hear dear, I also heard that your friend Aurora also is going today.'
'Yes I know I hope we are in the same school!'
'I also hope we get in the same school!' A girl with ginger hair said coming in the room.
'Oh good morning Rora, how excited are you for today?' I asked looking at my stepsister.
'Well I'm really excited and let's hope we get in the same school then we can have a sleepover everyday, maybe with all the other Evers or nevers in school.'
'That sounds like a great idea Rora, we should totally do that!'
'Y/N don't move so much I'm trying to do your hair.' The maid said laughing. 'But you girls should have lots of fun in school, so don't try to make any mischief promise?' She asked.
'Yes we promise!' Me and Rora said in unision.

After we packed all our stuff we said goodbye to everyone in the castle, unfortunately my mother wasn't there because she had some business to attend to. We walked to the spot where the stymph would come and get us, on our way we also petted the animals and said goodbye to them, we still had a lot of time before the stymph would come. We came at the spot and noticed it wasn't dusk yet, so we put a blanket on the grass and sat down to eat our dinner and we ate a lot because we had a long night to go. After we finished our dinner we put the blanket back in the bag. We noticed that it was past dusk, we walked a bit closer to the creek so that the stymph could see us when it would arrive. After waiting for about an hour I heard a screech. I looked up and saw the stymph, I tapped my sister on the shoulder and pointed at the stymph. She saw the stymph and stood up. The creature took a dive and picked us up. Me and Aurora screamed at the top of our lungs.

We had a very long flight, because when we saw the school we noticed that it was already dawn again. 'Look Rora there it is! The school for good and evil!' I screamed excitedly. 'Yes there it is, it's so beautiful! Let's hope we are in the same school!' She screamed back at me. The stymph flew to the never school. 'It seems like we are nevers sister, are you ready?' I asked. 'Yes I'm absolutely ready.' She answered and put her hand out for me to grip, which I did. The stymph got closer and we gripped each other harder ready for the fall. The stymph's grip loosened on me and then I fell, but the hand from my sister left me hanging in the air. 'Wait what's going on?' Aurora asked confused, I answered. 'I don't think we are going to the same school.' Aurora gripped me harder. 'Maybe if you don't let go we will still go to the same school, I'm sure the stymph would understand!' The stymph screeched on a high tone. 'I don't think it's going to change it's mind, just let me go it's fine.' I said reassuring her. 'No we are going to the same school I don't care which one it will be!'
'Rora, it's fine, we will be fine. We can survive this. I know we can.'
'No we are supposed to stay together that's what we always said, I don't care what this creature thinks!'
'Rora let go, we will find each other. You were made for the ever school, if I would go there I would be an outcast this is where I belong.'
'If this is where you belong, then I'm coming with you! So let go of me you stupid creature!' The stymph wouldn't budge and began pecking at our hands and succeeded in dividing our hands from each other. I fell from the sky and screamed very hard. While I fell I noticed a girl with orange hair, it seemed like she was fine and didn't care she was going to this school. Also while I fell I remembered I have wings, so I stretched my wings out and stopped the fall. I flew slowly down with my bagage in my hands and landed. All the other were very soaked from the black water, luckily I didn't fall in it. I saw the students walk through the gates and I followed them. After walking for a while we came into a big hall and there we were met with a very big dog and a very big man. 'Hello my never students, I welcome you to the evil school! All the information you need is on that wall over there I'm not really in the mood to tell all the information myself, so figure it out and for the remaining from the day you are all free to look around the school and meet your classmates. Before I forget can the student named Y/N Woods come to me!' I looked at the giant man dumbfounded and made my way towards him, I tapped him on the side and he turned around. 'Are you Y/N Woods?' He asked. 'Yes that's me.' I answered. 'Good, good. I have a very important task for you this year!' He said happy. 'What is the task then?' I asked confused.
'You are going to guide the reader through this school and learn it how to be a very bad never and because you are maleficent her daughter I just knew you would be perfect for the task, so what do you say?'
'I guess I can do that.'
'Great, she is already in her room and don't worry you don't have to share a room with her, she has a room for herself so that she can get used to this.'
'Allright then I will be going.'
'Perfect! I will hear from you how the task is going.'
I walked away from him and made my way to the wall so that I can see in what room I am and in what room this reader girl is. I looked at the wall and found out I shared a room with evil queen's daughter and with Gothel's daughter, this is going to be a very fun year.

The reader girl it seemed like she had a room in the tower so that would be easy to remember. I first made my way to my own room to drop my stuff, when I arrived at the room and walked in I noticed that the other two girls weren't here yet. I chose one of the rooms and put my stuff, I will come back later to unpack first I'm going to meet with the reader. I walked to the tower and made my way upstairs, when I was upstairs I heard some sort of screaming and hearing help. I opened the door to the room and noticed the girl with orange hair who I saw while I was falling and around her I noticed my two roommates.
'Oh my, you must be Y/N Woods, the daughter of the infamous Malificent! I'm Alexy the daughter of the evil Queen!' She said excited. 'And I am Bloom daughter of mistress Gothel, the witch who imprisoned Rapunzel in a tower.' The other said more calm but still with a hint of happiness. 'Well it's nice to meet you ladies, I was actually hoping to meet you in our dorm room but it seems like you were already helping me with making sure the reader feels welcomed here.' I said.
'We noticed that you were assigned to guide the reader and we thought we could help you, we are of course the most known witches so we have to stay together and help each other, even if it means doing dirty work like letting the reader know this isn't a friendly school with flowers and everything nice.' Bloom said while looking at the reader annoyed.
'You know that is very nice from you two and very thoughtful, we should totally stay together as a team and show our dear reader how the school for evil works.' I said wickedly. I walked closer to the reader on the ground. 'Hello reader, I'm Y/N your guide in the school for evil, what's your name?' I asked. 'My name? Well my name is Leonora.' She said very nervous. I laughed and said. 'Leonora? What a pathetic name, for a pathetic little girl. I hope you're gonna get a very bad year, it seems like you're going to need it.' I looked at her and noticed we looked a lot a like but that's not going to work this year. 'Oh and, don't try to be me or look like me, no one can be more evil then me since I'm of course the daughter of the mistress of all evil. So stay in line and your year will go smoothly, but set one foot out of line and you will have a far worse year than you can ever imagine, do you understand?' I said menacingly. She nodded and said softly. 'I understand.'
'Good! Now that this is taken care of, shall we go ladies. We still have a full year to pester her so don't worry about not getting your change to irritate her.' I said looking at my dorm mates. They looked at me and nodded, we walked out of the room and before I closed the door I said while laughing. 'Goodbye reader girl, hope your having a fun year!'

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