~Lady Lesso~

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Once upon a time...
There were two girls, one from an ordinary village and the other from a world full of magic and faeries. One day two stymphs were send to bring the two girls to the school for good and evil. One girl caught the school masters attention, the other he didn't care and wanted gone.
The two became great enemies of each other both wanting to be the baddest villain there is.
This conflict was the beginning of a very beautiful story called...
The princess...
~the Storian

After a very bad night's rest, only thinking about the welcoming of the new teacher I woke up and got out of bed. I dressed myself up so that I look more confident, after that I was preparing the last thing for the lessons that are about to start this week and of course prepared myself for the welcoming for the new students this year. This year there were also two readers chosen to attend the school, the girl who was to become my student was Sophie. Sophie sounds like a name for a ever student, there must have been a mix up or something but that doesn't matter for now because there is also a new teacher I have to meet. I checked the time since I have to meet her in the morning before the students arrived, I saw the time and realized I was very late, the school master isn't gonna like this and he already doesn't like me so this makes it not any better. While stressing for a bit I got my cane and put on my cloak and made haste to the library so that I can still meet this teacher.

When I arrived at the library I heard some talking. I stayed in the shadows for a bit so that I can hear the conversation. 'Y/N this was the tour of the school for evil and I also want you to meet your evil colleagues, this is Professor Bilious Manley, Mistress Gothel and- wait where is Lesso?' The voice said who was probably the school master. 'She didn't care to come. She said that a new teacher didn't matter to her that she will see the teacher in due time.' A voice that sounded like Mistress Gothel said but continued 'But Y/N it's nice to meet you and I hope you will give evil lessons and don't worry about Lesso, she does this a lot.'
Of course she sets me in a bad light, which normally I don't really care for but for this I do. I also know that she is jealous of me because I'm the school master and she isn't while she was here for the longest time, but who cares that would probably mean she doesn't do her job that good to become a Dean for the school for evil. Now that she has set me in a bad light I have to make this entrance more extravagant. So I stayed for a bit in the shadows to make it a bit eerily and said 'What do I do a lot?'
Mistress Gothel immediately looked at me shocked, hoping that I wouldn't come at all so that she could take the spotlight but I don't think so. I am the Dean for the school for evil so only I get the spotlight. Gothel wasn't the only one who looked at me, actually everyone in the room looked at me but one girl in peculiar caught my attention. She had black horns and big black wings, she looked a bit like me apart from her hair, her horns and her wings.
'Oh Lady Lesso, I didn't know you were coming, I thought you said you didn't care.' Mistress Gothel said surprised. I didn't really care anymore for what she said now that this woman that looked a bit like me is here. She just looks so familiar. Gothel looked at me and I didn't want to be rude so I replied to her comment about not caring. 'Well Dovey insisted I meet her since she is very important to both our schools but indeed I don't really care.' I walked out of the shadows confidant to have a better look at the woman. But when I was out of the shadows the woman looked shocked like she saw a dead man. Does she recognize me or something? Well it's better introducing myself then I can find out if I already know her or that she just looks really familiar. 'Well it's nice to meet you Y/N I hope you're going to give the students the best lessons so evil can finally win for once.' I said while taking out my hand waiting to be shaken. Y/N spoke but didn't shake my hand which is quite rude from her. 'Likewise Lady Lesso and I hope that this tidiness won't be a problem in the future.' It seemed like she was standing more right so she would appear larger which she actually does, so probably for the best that I don't get into a fight with her. But the comment was also rude and she is not getting away with it, so I'm gonna show her that she should look out with what she says.
'How dare you! Who do you think you are!?' I said very angry to let het know where she stands.
She looked me in the eye and said 'I dare a lot and for your information I'm the Lady of all evil and soon to be queen so I would look out if I were you.' Her eyes turned red. This was quite creepy, but wait didn't that girl from 20 years ago also have eyes that can turn red, so maybe it is her. But still she has to be put into her place. 'I hope this won't be a problem for the lessons you're going to give.' I said hoping she would tone it down.
'Oh it wouldn't be a problem, the students will get the proper lessons they deserve.' She said with a irritating tone. I looked for a bit at the school master and saw that he was intimidated by our escalated conversation. 'Well Y/N, why don't I show you your quarters in the schools, I forgot all about that!' The school master said nervously.
Y/N answered looking at me with a death glare. 'That would be a delight, I had quite the journey you know.'
'Well Let's go then my lady.'
The school master was the first to walk away, Y/N following after him. When they were gone I heard Gothel say 'That was quite the introduction, Don't you think Lady Lesso?'
I didn't want to answer her question but I did it hoping that she would leave me alone. 'Yes Gothel, this was quite the introduction that no one would have suspected.'

I walked away from the library and walked straight to the main room of the school so that I can finally meet the new students for this year. I walked the main room in and saw that it was still empty, which is good that means that I can mentally prepare myself for this. After around 10 minutes the wolfs opened the gates and the students came walking in. Most of the students looked very interesting, but one student looked like she was lost, she looked like an ever girl. That must be Sophie the reader. Sophie walked towards me 'Excuse me, ma'am. You seem to be in charge, and I am in the wrong school.' Sophie said quite stressful
'Ooh! How distressful. And improbable.' I replied and continued while pushing her away with my cane. 'Back up. Your name?' She wants to tell me her name but I stop her. 'Actually, you know what? I wanna guess it.'
'You won't know it.' She said.
'Mm, Sophie... Of Gavaldon. Did I guess it? I always do' I said and she looked surprised probably because I guessed her name which I already knew.
'There must be a mistake.' She said distressed.
'I clear... You're the reader.' I said amused.
'I read, if that's what you mean.' She said confused.
'Shh, shh, shh. It's not.' 'Every so often, a very lucky candidate from the outside is selected for admission to this hallowed institution. We call them... Readers because they only get to read about the amazing adventures that originate here.' 'Now please excuse me. I have fresh villainy to attend to. Showtime!' I walked away and made my extravagant entrance for the students. 'Attention! Attention, future Evil!'
'If you open your tiny little bloodshot eyes, you'll find your dormitory and class schedules around the hall. It would serve you well to memorize both. Make me proud.' I said dramatic and walked away and made my way to the big hall in the good school.

Every student sat down and me and Clarissa were ready to begin our speech. Dovey looked at me and said 'Grace and beauty first?'
'Oh, if you insist, Clarissa.' I answered and wanted to make my way forward.
'So glad you agree.' She said and walked forward and began talking, she really thinks to much of herself. Stupid goody-two shoes Evers. 'Welcome, first-year students!'
'I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the school for good.' All the evers began chanting Evers, really annoying. I made my way forward and the ever students went quiet. 'And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the school for Evil.' The never students began chanting kill you, that sounds more like it.
'As per tradition, the winning school from last year... Us again. Imagine that!' Dovey said excitedly.
'Hmm. Imagine.'
'...will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents. Gentlemen!'
The ever boys came down and made their stupid show, thinking they are so cool. The Evers would think that, but the nevers wouldn't agree with that. After their stupid then the prince himself came down even more stupid. I'm done with this mess. One of the never guys came down, now it's going to be fun. I made the ax he stole from the wolves and I used my magic to set it on fire.
'Oh, come on.' Dovey said.
'If we're gonna do this, we might as well do it right.' I said amused to her. 'I know how evil of me.'
After the two fought, Tedros won. Always the good wins. 'Dammit.' I said quietly, but Dovey heard me and said 'Oh, how good of you to lose again.'
The school master walks in and began his yearly speech 'In these two schools, we will take away any confusion and make your souls as pure as possible.'
'Pure good. Or pure Evil.'
'Future heroes and villains, you have been chosen to protect and maintain the balance between Good and Evil. For if that balance is ever compromised...'
Dovey interrupted him. 'I don't think we need to get into that just now with our new friends, do we?'
'It's such a happy first day. Let's not be downers, hmm?' 'Besides I'm sure this new class will perform exceptionally well.' 'And like your parents before you, you are all here because the world of story needs great heroes and villains to teach the people of the outside world to make choices to find their way.' The school master looked at Dovey and continued his speech. 'So, obey the rules, study hard, and remember, the storian only chooses the very best of our students for their own adventure.'
'But what if we've been dropped in the wrong school.' Sophie said with to much stress, like really she needs to calm down.
'Or there's been a mistake and we need to go home immediately?' Said another girl who probably knows Sophie.
'There are no mistakes in the School for Good and Evil, so... have a nice semester.' The school master said and walked away.
All the students walked away back to their school or their rooms. I looked around and found out that Y/N wasn't here at all. Didn't she care for the welcoming, that's would be very rude of her. Wait she had like a 24 hour flight maybe she is just tired and the school master said she didn't have to come. Nothing to worry about, she's probably fine. I made my way back to the evil school and went to my room and went back to my work, still trying to be the best evil so maybe Rafal will come back for me.

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