[9] Newfound attraction*

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Giyuu looked back briefly as he got out of the car. He let out a small sigh as she drove off into the dark night.

He went into his apartment complex as he walked up the stairs to his flat.

There was no way to could shake it, that feeling he had, he couldn't deny it.

Giyuu knew of what love was but he never experienced it like this.

It was hard to believe that he was the idiot with a one sided crush, that was a first for him, and hopefully a last as well.

He opened up the door and locked it behind him as he entered.

His heart wouldn't stop beating like that, it was sort of freaking him out.

Yeah he knew about love like between close friends or family, but this..... this was new.

"What the hell am I thinking? She's too good for you, you depressed moron." He scolded himself as he tried to calm himself down.

He plugged in his phone to the charger as he sat on the couch, then it hit him.

"Where the hell is my stuff?" He asked looking around for his backpack.

Giyuu groaned as he realized where it was.

"I left it in Rengoku's car......." He said aloud while sitting back down.

It was a minor annoyance caused by Mitsuri's meddling but could be rectified tomorrow when Giyuu next saw Kyojuro hopefully.

Just then his phone rang in his hand with a number he didn't recognize.

Giyuu picked up the call expecting it to be a robot voice mall or a scammer.

"Hey uhhh, I got your stuff, I'll bring it to you 2nd period tomorrow!" A man's loud voice could be heard.

"Rengoku?" He asked recognizing the voice but not the number.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot to tell you! I changed my number after I transferred, this is a relatively new phone!"

It sounded like he was talking loud to overpower the noises of his car while he drove.

"Oh, thanks man, I'll save your number again." Giyuu said silently thanking the gods his friend was such a good person.

"Yeah, no problem, see ya tomorrow!" He said finishing the call before the sound of a click indicating a hang up was heard.

"Well, that solves my problem. No wonder all those times I tried texting or calling he didn't respond." Giyuu thought as he made a new contact for Rengoku's new phone number and saved it.

He made sure to even add the fire emojis next to his contact name it used to have before deleting the old contact.

Giyuu got up to go shower, luckily all he had to do was a few basic things before he could go to sleep.

As he later laid in bed he couldn't sleep, no it wasn't the insomnia or anything like that.

Rather, it was her, she was living in his head rent free and he couldn't kick her out. That talk in the car replayed in his head dozens of times as he fantasized different scenarios that simply wouldn't ever happen.

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