[19] Why not*

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Shinobu would teach her writing while Giyuu did all the reading and speaking portions, that's how it usually went with a little variation here and there.

Kanao always seemed to speak more with Giyuu which made Shinobu a tiny bit curious as to how she could get her to do that for herself.

Maybe Giyuu's more introverted personality meshed with Kanao's better? She wasn't too sure.

Either way, they would spend time together at her place as they taught Kanao while Shinobu also worked on registering her for school. The only things left they had to do was actually prepare Kanao for school, which wouldn't be easy.

Shinobu would occasionally watch the two as Giyuu and Kanao read together as she wished to see how she was doing and was curious as to her progress.

Each and every day Kanao slowly got better and better, to hear her actually speak more was both amazing and kind of heartwarming at the same time. It took them a couple weeks but it was a rewarding process that both needed great care, consistency, and consideration to be effective.

Shinobu felt a sense of pride watching Kanao read the full sentences on the pages by herself with no assistance.

She never had the time to teach her much ,and even then she wasn't great at it. So Giyuu being here to help was indeed greatly appreciated.

Giyuu didn't mind either, he didn't have much else to do over the summer so spending time with the two soon became his favorite activity.

"And he had a hat, as-.... his Cat." Kanao read the page pointing at the word she didn't know how to say.

"Fancy." He said pointing at the word she was having trouble saying.

"As f-fancy as his cat." She finished reading the line.

Giyuu could tell just how much Kanao improved over just barely over two week. The difference was night and day, she was a smart girl. she just didn't have anyone to teach her much.

He felt a small hint of pity for her, she never had a father to begin with and her mother was always so busy just barely taking care of her on her own. Her only auntie was far away and couldn't help and her grandmother was a terrible woman. The little girl truly only had her mother for support for the longest time.

Giyuu and Shinobu would take turns teaching her different things each day. Sometimes it was writing and grammar while others days it was pronunciation and reading. Shinobu even tried to teach her basic math from time to time.

Whenever they went out they always brought Kanao along no matter what. Whether it was to the grocery store or if they were going out to eat, she was always right next to them.

One day, on an early afternoon Saturday, Kanao not to be forgotten while Shinobu was busy, grabbed her attention. Giyuu and Shinobu were working together attempting to figure out something online for her school registration.

The little one had grabbed onto Shinobu's clothes to get her attention. They were seated on the rug with their laptop on the small coffee table just ahead of them.


"Hmm?" Shinobu hummed in response as she looked away from the computer.

"Kanao." She said pointing at herself speaking in third person.

"You're Momma." She said pointing at Shinobu.

The little woman smiled at her.

"Yes I am! Who told you that?" She said switching up from her more serious focused attitude to her friendlier persona.

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